Department of Mathematical Sciences
Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

2005, Activities:

Main Page
Aspects and Requirements

Description of the program
Application form
NSF link



More coming later . . .
The current page came mostly from the Bio. Dept's UBMTP site by Karen Roach,

Gap Junctions
Gap junctions provide a conduit for electrical communication between neurons and therefore their position along neuronal processes is of great importance. The UBM students did experimental recordings from two gap-junctionally coupled identical neurons and used injected dc and ac currents of various frequencies, along with computational models to predict the location of gap junctions along the neurons' branches.

Angelie Mascarinas (Biomedical Engineering), Sultan Babar (Mathematics,  Biology)
with an intracellular recording of a neuron of the stomatogastric ganglion of cancer borealis (crab)

Matt Malej (Mathematics), Diana Martinez (Biology)
performing course dissection of cancer borealis

A nerve cell growing in culture.


Contact for further information and application process: Karen Roach (Bio-Math Administrator, Phone: 973-596-5612)
Web design by Jonathan Lansey