Assignment 3



Assignment 2


 Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions                                                                             America's Pathway to Clean Energy


Margarita Rodriguez


Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


Paul G. Ranky, PhD, PMP


IE 673 -Total Quality Management-Live


eLearning Pack ID:

IE 673-Spring-2009-80-79

Table of Contents:

Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc226111246 \h 2

Objective. PAGEREF _Toc226111247 \h 2

Methodology. PAGEREF _Toc226111248 \h 3

Identifying user requirements. PAGEREF _Toc226111249 \h 4

Prioritizing potential Requirements. PAGEREF _Toc226111250 \h 4

Collaborating Companies. PAGEREF _Toc226111251 \h 5

Cora TQM Spreadsheet PAGEREF _Toc226111252 \h 5

References. PAGEREF _Toc226111253 \h 5

Tools used: PAGEREF _Toc226111254 \h 6



The purpose of this assignment is to identify set requirements that are critical to quality and make emphasis on customer’s satisfaction by applying engineering solutions to meet requirements. Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions has compromised to deliver quality energy to clients by making uses of new technology that benefits the ambient.  To achieve this desirable green energy at low cost we are using the Component Oriented Requirement Analysis (CORA).  Cora makes emphasis on customer’s requirements by relating them and gives us an approximation on how effective the implemented solution is.



The purpose of this project is developing and delivering clean renewable energy to homes and business in collaboration with Cattron, Stanley Vidmar, Bolaball and I.D. Systems, INC.  Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions is intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the fuels Our company’s mission is bringing innovative ways to cover the need to overcome the shortage in energy by developing secure energy solutions that are sustainable and are technologically and financially viable.

Our experience in industry gives us a deep insight into the technical, policy, economic, and regulatory challenges being faced by our energy clients. We help clients view energy issues in a broader context, and to manage energy strategically to ensure that their clean energy and energy reduction solutions grow with the organization.



Component Oriented Requirements Analysis (CORA), is a matrix method based on Quality Function Deployment.

Cora’s objective is studying   the customer and collecting and analyzing information using the “team's experience, documented with a spreadsheet-based tools”, that can help us to determine what the customer’s requirements are to “minimize dissatisfaction”.

The CORA is integrated on user requirements, Engineering solutions, calculation and benchmarking. As expressed on the electronic TQM book, CORA promotes systematic engineering team thinking when developing a new product, process or system.  Bio-Green Alternative Energy is implements this system by surveying and identifying client’s needs throughout the conduction of population surveys and studying their behavior and energy consumption and identifying the key areas where they can save money.

Another method is the Quality Function Development (QFD) which is a way of making the 'voice of the customer' heard throughout an organization.   The QFD is a systematic process that captures customer requirements and translates them into requirements that must be met throughout the supply chain; resulting in a new set of target values for designers, production people, and suppliers to aim at in order to produce the desirable customer’s output.  The QFD helps transform customer’s needs by prioritizing each product or service characteristic and it must reflect technology, reliability, and cost considerations. Bio-Green Alternative Energy uses the latest technology on manufacturing quality green energy and takes priority on meeting client’s requirements and expectations.

The Six Sigma seeks to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes and uses a set of quality management methods, such as statistical methods, pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.  It is a measure of quality that looks for near perfection and describes how a process is performing and defines defect as anything outside of customer specifications.  It’s strategy that focuses on process improvement and it’s goal is to increase profits by eliminating variability, defects and waste that undermine customer loyalty.                      Bio-Green Alternative Energy uses the six sigma methodology to ensure quality of equipments being used for the production of energy and closely monitoring it’s functionality and performance.


Cora TQM Spreadsheet

  MS Excel: Cora for Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions

Identifying user requirements

Consumers demand quality services at reasonable prices and are increasingly offered more choices as to how they purchase public services, so why not  choosing to purchase energy generated from natural resources, such as, sunlight, wind, or rain which are renewable.  Renewable energy sources produce little or no pollution or hazardous wastes, pose few risks to public safety, and are entirely domestic resources.   Bio-Green Alternative Energy uses wind power generation which is harmless to the environment.  However, Power quality is a combined provider and user responsibility and as a potential customer for renewable energy, the end user must allow Bio-Green Alternative Energy to:

bullet Visit your facility to identify areas that need improvements and be willing to improve the conditions of the infrastructure that will keep heat in to avoid the least amount of heat from escaping.
bullet Allow Bio-Green Alternative Energy to personally install equipment to monitor and record usage.
bullet Read Operational Manual and watch video on CD provided at installation
bullet Complete an Online assessment and customer satisfaction survey
bullet Adhere to Manufacture specification when handling end user equipments, such as, the computerized touch screen
bullet Allow periodically (yearly)  compliance and functionality check ups

Prioritizing potential Requirements

bullet Software: air Quality Monitoring software, Compliance Monitoring Software
bullet Ecosystem Management: Agriculture, Forestry, Rehabilitation
bullet Save Transportation and storage facilities for equipment, parts and machinery
bullet Earth Ground Resistance Tester
bullet Get Permits and Meet w/ EPA
bullet Project Funding


Collaborating Companies  





CIMware USA website.                                                                                                                                                                      CORA: Component Oriented Disassembly & User Interface Requirements Analysis                                                                                                                 (Vol. 6) Akhter PC & Audio CD Player (3D eBook)

Research Supplements provided by Prof. Paul G. Ranky

Unique TQM e-Learning Pack, prepared by Prof. Paul G. Ranky



 Tools used:

MS Excel 2003

CORA TQM Template, by Prof. Ranky








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