Assignment 3

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Assignment 5

Using RFID/TQM Methods to Improve a Selected Industrial System & Total Quality Management Audit


Margarita Rodriguez


Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


Paul G. Ranky, PhD, PMP


IE 673 -Total Quality Management-Live


eLearning Pack ID:

IE 673-Spring-2009-80-79

Table of Contents:



Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc229488999 \h 3

Methodology Applied: PAGEREF _Toc229489000 \h 3

RFID Integration in CIMpgr Process Models. PAGEREF _Toc229489001 \h 4

Download. PAGEREF _Toc229489002 \h 4

RFID Integration in Component-Oriented Requirements Analysis (CORA) PAGEREF _Toc229489003 \h 4

RFID Integration in PFRA.. PAGEREF _Toc229489004 \h 5

Addressing Auditing Issues. PAGEREF _Toc229489005 \h 6

Video Conference Using Skype. PAGEREF _Toc229489006 \h 14

Further work needed/ proposed. PAGEREF _Toc229489007 \h 15

Summary. PAGEREF _Toc229489008 \h 15

References. PAGEREF _Toc229489009 \h 16

Templates & Tools Used  PAGEREF _Toc229489010 \h 16

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Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. Today, RFID is used in enterprise supply chain management to improve the efficiency of inventory tracking and management.

The objectives  of this project  is understanding the importance of the RFID technology  utilizing it along with all the methods and tools  learn and use  in this course , which will help us to better manage e and  improve  our TQM approach .

Methodology Applied:

RFID is basically an identification tag or chip containing electronically coded data that is attached to an object.  It communicates data over the radio frequency (RF) to a reader as the object moves around the defined areas.  The reader then decodes and validates the RF signal before transmitting associated data to a central database server of the company. RFID tags are placed on the assets to be monitored. Depending on the asset type and application requirements, the tags may be active or passive RFID. Active tags have a battery, beacon on a periodic basis, and can be read from distances of several hundred feet depending on the antenna type and surrounding environment. Passive tags derive their power when they are within the field of the reader.

Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will add RFID tags and RFID processing power to our operations in order to increase traceability in TQM terms. We will learn how the power of RFID can make great impact in all our process and products.

Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will show how RFID can be implemented at:

1.      Process models in CIMpgr

2.      CORA requirements analysis

3.      PFRA risk analysis

RFID Integration in CIMpgr Process Models

The implementation of RFID tags has brought another level of traceability to the Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions’s process and products. Using CIMpgr process modeling and RFID technology, we are able to trace at real time our time processing. We are able to locate and control production gaps that can affect our turn around and lead time. By implemented RFID, Development Process (A1) is powered with RFID to trace the flow of raw-materials in the storage facility.  In Material Handling Process (A3)  we were able to trace the transportation of equipments and finished product to the land field for installation.

In the production, Installation and Testing Process (A4) were able to use RFID to trace material within the production cycle and to forward the finished products to system testing process (A4) while intelligently directing the products requiring interactive adjustments to System Design process, Finally, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions is potentially increasing  the traceability of our products, not only inside of the company also out of the company when our product reaches its finally destination customer satisfaction.


CIMPG Pprocess Model Using RFID

CORA Sheet using RFID

PFRA Sheet Using RFID



RFID Integration in Component-Oriented Requirements Analysis (CORA)

By using RFID, we will redefine the way how we collect information from our customers. Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions and our partners will insert durable RFID tags in most of their products, such as pieces and components to be stored as well as containers and boxes in the following departments: in the receiving and staging departments, the shipping department and the recycling department.

By inserting tags in our final product, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will be able to trace it back once this product is recycled. By completing this cycle, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions and partners will be able to determine and collect the following information:


1.        Determine product life time

2.      How long this product stays in the market

3.      Why it was recycle (reasons of quality product)

4.      How quickly it was used

5.      How our products are being affected by external factor, such corruption and contamination.

There is much other information we can collect from the recycle product. However, the fact that this information came from our own product, it can be consider reliable information. If we utilize this type of information, and combine with customer survey. We will be able to get a better understanding on customer satisfaction.


RFID Integration in PFRA

RFID will place PRFA methodology into a new level. By using RFID, we will be able to track and control all the material, products and process inside and outside of the company. We will be able to highly integrate our PPFRA methodology with this new technique so we can easily identify risk process and then take actions to control them. Also RFID brings us a continue monitoring in all our process. Since, RFID technology has strengthened the product traceability throughout the product life cycle, the likelihood of detecting any process failure has gone extremely high. As a result, three out of eleven potential failures compared to the previous report, marked with high risks, are extraordinarily influenced by the presence of RFID technology.


Addressing Auditing Issues 

Recommendations are proposed in the following areas: 

  • Purchase Controls – For instance, how do they select their suppliers (i.e. cost, service, quality)? Make sure they are certified suppliers, Are they on the certified suppliers list? What procedures do they / should they follow?

Our main supplies are our four partner companies. They provide raw recycle material from their defects part or returned damage merchandise so can recovery of the cost that the invested in its original process , However , when we buy machine or any tool for any of our process , Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions  is a quality focused company and the selection of suppliers for the company should be exclusively dependent on quality, we prefer to select vendors that are certified  so they can fully guarantee the best quality in their products .Since Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions is company that manufactures wind turbines and produces alternative energy, we have to use some chemical material and components in some of our process , so in this case ,we choose our supplies , if their  products  are  green sustainable and eco-friendly . Also, requesting references from previous clients, particularly outlining a quality rating and a personal audit of the prospective vendor’s site of business, can be used as a decision making tool.

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  • Audits – Have these suppliers ever been audited by the fifth (i.e. your) company? Was it done by mail or on-site? Please note that the qualification visit or the initial visit must be done on site so that one can evaluate their quality systems. Subsequent visits can be done either by mail or on-site depending on the criticality of the materials being purchased. (Ranky's comment: remember the Japanese 'genchi-genbutsu' concept, meaning: see it with your own eyes BEFORE you take any major decisions!)

Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions strongly recommends that an audit at the vendor’s business site shall be conducted before any relationship is established with a new vendor. The audit should be conducted on-site   by auditing experts that can evaluate their quality systems and their standards of quality process. Subsequent audits can be done by mail or email depending on the critically of the material being purchase .In this way, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions can ensure that our quality continue improving and providing the best service to our customers. Auditing the material that we use in our process and product, we can always guarantee the continued improvement in Total quality management.

  • Incoming Inventory Inspections – Does QA inspect every incoming materials purchased or do they rely on the supplier’s certificate of analyses or conformance (COA/COC)? Do they accept materials without certificates of analysis? What procedures do they / should they follow?

Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions strongly enforce that QA inspect every incoming material purchase from our vendor. We also document and file all the document relate this products. We validate the certification of their products and we analyses conformance COA/COC. In the case, that there is a problem or anomaly with any product or material form one of our vendor, We document it and let our vendor know that there is a problem with their material, We start looking for the possible anomalies of the products and enforce that our provides an explanation on what is happening, so in this way, we can ensure that our vendor gets involve in the situation. If there is a material from one of the vendors that has anomalies and its products doesn’t have any certification, we reject the product or material, and we enforce that this vendor in order to keep having a relationship with Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions, provides proof on what is doing in order to achieve the best quality on its product.

  • Non-conformance – How does the firm address non-conformance related to incoming materials, in-process goods, and finished goods. What procedures do they / should they follow?

If there is rejection on material from one of the vendors because of an anomaly or its products do not meet the requirements and standards established, First time, we document what it the problem with the products then we analyze the possible consequences that this type of material can bring to our process and quality. We contact our vendor and let them know that there is a problem with one of the material, we provide them with documentation that proves our concerns and try to get an explain from them, if there is problem that can be fix and the vendor is willing to fix it, both part keep working together in order to get a comfortable point with two part will working together in order to improve this product. However, if the company cannot improve their product because of this nature of the problem, Green plastic will reject and discontinue any utilization of their products and our process and finish goods. Once the material has been rejected and documentation has been provided to the vendor on why his products don’t fill our standards of quality. We will stop any commercial relationship until the vendor and their products can show proof of improvement and in this case , this products will be in a temporary prove  period where their product will be greatly inspect until its reaches the best quality.

  • Traceability – Can they trace all materials from cradle to grave? What procedures do they follow? Do they use RFID? Would RFID benefit them. This is another crucial aspect of Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions . Without the ability to trace processes, components and tools efficiently, there’s a greater likelihood of quality compromise. Therefore, RFID technology is introduced to assist and accomplish traceability. It also assists in the process integration. Since quality standard ISO9000 cannot be compromised, it makes RFID technology a requirement for any company wishing to step into a business relationship. Through RFID technology there will be assurance that this will not happen and every aspect and/or component could be traced to the origin. It will also allow tracing of processes as they relate to one another and how they integrate and affect each other at any given point. Also, this technology provides real-time information making it easier to address issues in a timely manner before they affect the quality of the product.
  • Controls of production documents – Who maintains this documentation? Are they controlled? Who reviews them? What procedures do they / should they follow?

As we have state before, before even start a new relation with a new vendor , Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions enforce an audit for new vendors , we document all the process and analyze if those process can fulfill their quality expected . All this procedure is conducted by expects that document every stage of the audit. Moreover, we inspect all the material from our vendor, we document and validate their certification, and this is conducted by our QA expert. We file of this information in a data base that organize and facilitate the easy handle of this documentation. Since we have a group of people working on the quality of our products, we daily monitor and keep improving our procedures.

  • Controls of production equipment – Such as qualifications, validation, calibration, etc. What procedures do they follow to establish such controls?

First, we use PFRA Methodology in order to identify any risk procedures in our work place. After we ensure that all our procedures are out any high risk, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions implement Control Charts in order to monitor all the process in our work place, by using Control Charts were able to identify if any process is out of control. Once we have identified this procedure, we take action against this process in order to normalize it. Also we use quality standards to ensure the best quality of our products.

  • Product Release – Who performs the final product release? (Note: it is usually done by QA). Who issues the Certificate of Analysis or Conformance? What procedures do they / should they follow?

We have a quality control person that check and control all the raw material and part that we use in our product; this person is the person responsible to release the final product. By using RFID, The quality control supervisor is able to track and control all the stages in our process. He documents also the steps and stages of our recycle turbine components so he can easily can identify possible failures in production and in our final product. Quality Control supervisor also certificate of the analyses and conformance that we have implemented in our process. He has a set up of procedures that have to be follow before, he certificates or release any products. first , QA analysis trace all the products by revised data from the RFID , once all the process are in control , he will release the final product

  • CAPA or PAR/CAR – Corrective Action/Preventive Action or Preventive Action Request/Corrective Action Request. What procedures do they / should they follow?

Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) is a concept within Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). CAPA focuses on the systematic investigation of discrepancies (failures and/or deviations) in an attempt to prevent their recurrence. To ensure that corrective and preventive actions are effective, the systematic investigation of the failure incidence is pivotal in identifying the corrective and preventive actions undertaken. CAPA is part of the overall quality management system (QMS).


  • Product Realization – Are they meeting their promises? Are they any deviations? Change controls? What procedures do they / should they follow?

Product realization is the term used to describe the work that the organization goes through to develop, manufacture, and deliver the finished goods or services. An effective Quality Management System (QMS) includes a comprehensive approach to getting from the product concept to the finished product. This approach, sometimes called a quality plan, includes the following: 

1.      product requirements and quality objectives,

2.      creation of the processes, documents, and resources needed for product realization,

3.      required verification, monitoring, inspection, and test activities,

4.      The records to be kept.


  • Customer Service – Are their customer service staff properly trained to process order and complaints? What procedures do they / should they follow?

For Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions customer service and customer satisfaction are our main goals, we can only achieved this goals, if we ensure that all our employs are well trained and well educated in customer service. We train our staff in order to bring to our customer the best service and the best quality. If there is complain in one of our products, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions encourage that our customer highlight this problem and bring it to our attentions. Once one complain has been brought this is our procedure.

We gather as much information from the customer as possible , if there is possible we ask for actual sample of the problems ,Once this information is gathered, then process this data and enter it within one of the customer requirement tools. This will help the company to find how can best be addressed and what engineering solutions will fulfill them completely. Further, customer relationship management needs to deal with recalls and complaints neatly. Complaints are dealt with in a similar manner except now the sales department is more actively involved in the manner.


  • Customer Satisfaction – How do they measure their customer satisfaction? Survey? (What a great opportunity here to use CORA; updated frequently based on market changes...) Complaints? Recalls? What procedures do they / should they follow?

We use CORA analysis in order to measure our customer satisfaction, by using survey approach the company can accurately predict where customer desire. In the case that there is a complaint as we have state before here is the procedure .We gather as much information from the customer as possible. Once this information is gathered, then process this data and enter it within one of the customer requirement tools. This will help the company to find how can best be addressed and what engineering solutions will fulfill them completely. We also implement recall procedures. In this way, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions can guarantee continues customer satisfaction and also obtain an actual update or feedback from our customers. 


  • Recalls? - What procedure do they follow in the case of a recall? What procedures do they / should they follow? (What a great opportunity here to take preventive action to avoid recalls by using PFRA risk analysis!)

In the notice of a recall happens for one of our products, First, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will stop supplying and production our products. Second, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will contact its customers and request them to visit any customer service center. We will document and recorded all the recall procedures  in order fully our customer need , Moreover if our products has not  been recalled in  its total  amount , We will using RFID in order to help us to find the customer that still have not return and exchange our products . RFID will provide us a huge hand in during the recall time .It shows how important and useful RDIF tags are in today totally quality management

  • Continuous Improvement: What procedures do they follow? Implementation of standard operating procedures covering the above items and others. Verifying their effectiveness. (Note, that the TQM eBook has an entire Chapter on Continuous Improvement Methods; VERY IMPORTANT in the real-world!)

Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will continue improving our process and products until we reach Zero Defects. We continue reinforcing the following tools and methods: 

  • Control Charts and Graph tools
  • Six Sigma and lean sigma
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • Kanban JIT
  • Software Quality
  • Auditing
  • Cora Analysis
  • System Modeling
  • TQM systems
  • PFRA
  • Eco-friendliness, lean and green sustainability and carbon footprint audit: Is your company an environmentally friendly company? If not, how could you improve it to reduce the carbon-footprint?

Our company is 100% lean and green sustainable .we represents a product that can be recycled and does affect the environment. Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions was created on the principle of being the leading company in the production of green energy that can offer green solutions to the public making it affordable and not harming the environment. We have implement various methods of Total quality management so we can improve our lean and green process so we be defined as a new source of material reusable a valid option that any company can count on it. We provide a green solution and at the same time we help to improve our planet.

Part 3: Optionally (for extra 10%) conduct a Video Conferencing session using SKYPE (free over the web) with one of your classmates and discuss each others' designs. Try to create a collaborative audit team spirit and document your findings... How do you like this video-conferencing approach? What were the main challenges? What worked well, and what not, and why?


Video Conference Using Skype

I believe that this experience enrich more my knowledge in communication techniques. We were using microphone as well as video cameras while we were in the video conference, SKYPE allow to have a virtual meeting. This is an excellent tool in today world communication, so distances are not a barrier any longer. You could be using this technique with people living in others countries such as Japan or Argentina. The communication was in real time and the quality of the sound was excellent .This is great tool and it is available at no cost for everyone in the world.

The software I used for VC was the Skype and Yahoo messenger for the instant messaging conference.  I both video conference and instant messaged with  two DL TQM students: Antoine and Thrivikram

please see below the conversation in yahoo messenger and VC:

Yahoo Messenger Conversation

peruka thrivikram: hi

margarittrod: hi

peruka thrivikram: Did you complere your assignment-5...?

margarittrod: yes, all I have to do is upload it to my web page

peruka thrivikram: ok,

margarittrod: what do yo think about RFID?

peruka thrivikram: DId you understnad about RFID..?

margarittrod: yes, it is a very useful toold that is used in tracing packages, in any type of business, ie.. airports to trace luggages, shipping to trace packages, storage etc.

peruka thrivikram: ya, thats true..But it needs initial setup like a Reciever, Sender and a computing machine to analyse the signal...

peruka thrivikram: How did you implement RFID in your fifth company...?

margarittrod: my company manufactures turbines for alternative energy, so Implemented it RFID tracing pieces and parts

margarittrod: so, how did you implented in your 5th company?

peruka thrivikram: My Company is a water Bottling Company. Here I used RFID for tracking the raw materials like plastic etc and also to track the packed bottles for accurate deliveries...

peruka thrivikram: Are you done with the CIMpgr diagrams for  your fifth company...?

margarittrod: yes, but I will like to revice before uploading it

peruka thrivikram: ok...

peruka thrivikram: Did you understand about TQM audit that professor asking in Part-2 of the assignment...?

margarittrod: yes, the experts should conduct audits on site to ensure quality

margarittrod: so, what do you think of RFID -1

peruka thrivikram: ok, is it RFID-Clip1 web stream video...?

margarittrod: yes

peruka thrivikram: ok...

peruka thrivikram: That video talks about Radio Frequency Identification

peruka thrivikram: and it tells about Usage on Shipping Containers

peruka thrivikram: It talks about one interesting aspect that If a Pallet has different items in it, to send out the information, its just enough to send the signal of the RFID attached to it.

margarittrod: the best feature of the RFID is the traceability, to trace process

peruka thrivikram: ya thats true, RFID captures real time zero error information that can be sent to quality assurance and check if the assembly process fell within the guidelines.

peruka thrivikram: Did you complere the PFRA analysis using RFID...>

margarittrod: yes, I updated it using RFID

peruka thrivikram: ok....

peruka thrivikram: Does your Turbines Company has a seperate Quality Team for monitoring the Customer relations

margarittrod: yes, there is a department to do tests and ensure quality, they recycle components and the RFID is ideal for them

peruka thrivikram: ok..

margarittrod: how do you implented the RFID for your water company?

margarittrod: how can you ensure the water quality?

peruka thrivikram: There is a seperate monitoring team that keeps track of the Batch numbers and the Corresponding expiry dates. RFID is very helpful during this process...

margarittrod: ok

peruka thrivikram: All the information is stored in a Oracle Database and can be retrieved when needed

peruka thrivikram: ok, thanks Margarita for your inputs on RFID...

margarittrod: great thanks Thrivikram

peruka thrivikram is typing a message.

peruka thrivikram: Bye

margarittrod: bye


Welcome! Here's how to get started with Skype

Friday, May 8, 2009 10:07 PM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
Add sender to Contacts


    Video Call Snapshot 1.png                                                      Video Call Snapshot 2.png

For the video conference Antoine and I commented how useful was this tool and talked how each other implemented RFID in our fifth company. 

We also discussed quality issues and Audits.

The main challenges were while we were trying to understand how to works, since this is a new tool, it took us a little of thing to figure things out, but as the time pass by, we were able to well understand the regular procedures to start a communication. Also major challenge was to understand the limitation of the services, for instance, we dint know that if you want to make domestic and international call, you have to pay a monthly free around 2.95 per month, so we tough that for using video conference we have to pay. Language barrier where not a problem since we were able to communicate in a comfortable level.  

The video conference in general worked really well, as have stated before the quality of the sound had a high quality and the video was in real time no delays. I think that something that did not t go well was while we were taking other people were able to hear our conversation, I believe that SKYPE should avoid this to happen .Skype should make all the conversation limit to the number of person invite for this conference .

The best features of this program are that it allows you to communicate unlimited to US and Canada for just $ 2.95/mo, unlimited country for $5.95/mo, and unlimited world for $12.95/mo which is a lot cheaper than regular landline and without a long term contract and no connection fees.


Further work needed/ proposed

The continuing quality improvements and further product development suggests new research and more study. In addition, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will continue improving our final product so we can be seen as the leading green energy manufacturer and green product supplier.



By implementing the RFID technology and quality standards, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions is on the road of success. By utilizing all the methods covered in the previous assignments, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions can minimize the amount of time that takes to develop new products  and we will be able to get the products out to the market quickly and at an affordable price. By following quality standards, Bio-Green Alternative Energy Solutions will maintain a high level of quality for years to come allowing the company to build a solid reputation in the industry.



  • Total Quality Management (e-book), CIMware USA, Inc. & CIMware Ltd. UK

  • Research Supplements provided by Prof. Paul G. Ranky

  • Unique TQM e-Learning Pack, prepared by Prof. Paul G. Ranky

  • CIMware USA website,

  • The Most Resourceful Encyclopedia on Internet,

  • RFID Videos, provided by Prof. Paul G. Ranky


Templates & Tools Used

  • Microsoft Excel 2003

  • CIMpgr Process Model Templates, by Prof. Ranky

  • CORA Spreadsheet Template, by Prof. Rank

  • PFRA Template, by Prof. Ranky

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