
Notations: PA: Work as the primary or lead author. NPA: Work as the non-primary or non-lead author. EA: Equal contribution authorship.

EQ T4. Information Leakage from Cryptographic Techniques [Description PDF] [Presentation slides/PPT]
Komal Kumari,
Sharad Mehrotra, and Shantanu Sharma
IEEE 44th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, 2024.
PA T3. Advances in Cryptography and Secure Hardware for Data Outsourcing [Description PDF] [Presentation slides/PPT] [YouTube 1] [YouTube 2]
Shantanu Sharma,
Anton Burtsev, and Sharad Mehrotra
36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE), Dallas, Texas, USA, April 20-24, 2020.
PA T2. Recent Advances in Information-Theoretically Secure Data Outsourcing [PDF] [Presentation slides/PPT] [YouTube]
Sharad Mehrotra and Shantanu Sharma
6th ACM International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics (IWSPA) asscociated with 10th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 18, 2020.
PA T1. Secure and Privacy-Preserving Big-Data Processing [Presentation slides/PPT]
Anton Burtsev, Sharad Mehrotra, and Shantanu Sharma
IEEE Big-Data, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Dec 09-12, 2019.