C. Benar and A.N. Akansu,
"On Explainability of A Simple Classifier for AR(1) Source,"
Proc. IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), pp. 275-280, March 2022.
A. Xiong and A.N. Akansu, "Performance Comparison of Minimum Variance, Market and Eigen Portfolios for US Equities,"
IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2019.
A.N. Akansu and A. Xiong, "Design of Eigenportfolios for US Equities Using Exponential Correlation Model,"
IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2019.
I. Lateef and A.N. Akansu, "Link-Level Interpretation of Eigenanalysis for Network Traffic Flows,"
Proc. IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2017.
O. Yilmaz and A.N. Akansu, "Performance Analysis of Eigenportfolios for AR(1) Process,"
Proc. IEEE 50th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2016.
Y. Wang and A.N. Akansu,
"Symbol Alphabet Modifier for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Communications,"
Proc. IEEE 50th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2016.
Y. Sun, H. Ayaz and A.N. Akansu, "Neural Correlates of Affective Context in Facial Expression Analysis:
A Simultaneous EEG-fNIRS Study," Proc. 3rd IEEE GlobalSIP Conference, Symposium on Signal Processing Challenges
in Human Brain Connectomics, Dec. 2015.
O. Yilmaz and A.N. Akansu, "A Method to Sparse Eigen Subspace and Eigenportfolios,"
Proc. The International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2015.
Y. Sun, A.N. Akansu and J. Cicon, "The Power of Fear: Facial Emotion Analysis of CEOs to Forecast Firm Performance,"
Proc. 15th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, Aug. 2014.
Y. Sun and A.N. Akansu, "Automatic Inference of Mental States from Spontaneous Facial Expressions," Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2014.
O. Yilmaz, M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu, "A Fast Derivation of Karhunen-Loeve Transform Kernel for First-Order
Autoregressive Discrete Process," Proc. Big Data Analytics Workshop at SIGMETRICS, June 2013.
O. Yilmaz, M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu, "A Fast Derivation of Karhunen-Loève Transform Kernel for First-Order
Autoregressive Discrete Process," Proc. Big Data Analytics Workshop at SIGMETRICS, June 2013.
M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu, "A Novel Method to Derive Explicit KLT Kernel for AR(1) Process,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2013.
M.U. Torun, O. Yilmaz and A.N. Akansu, "FPGA Based Eigenfiltering for Real-Time Portfolio Risk Analysis,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2013.
M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu, "A Novel GPU Implementation of Eigen Analysis
for Risk Management," Proc. The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless
Communications, June 2012.
Y. Wang, A.N. Akansu and A. Haimovich, "Generalized DFT Waveforms for
MIMO Radar," Proc. The Seventh IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Porcessing Workshop, June 2012.
A.N. Akansu and M.U. Torun, "On Toeplitz Approximation to Empirical
Correlation Matrix of Financial Asset Returns," Proc. IEEE 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and
Systems (CISS), March 2012.
M.U. Torun, O. Yilmaz and A.N. Akansu, "Novel GPU Implementation of
Jacobi Algorithm for Karhunen-Loève Transform of Dense Matrices," Proc. IEEE 46th Annual Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2012.
Y. Wang and A.N. Akansu, "Generalized DFT Based Partial Matched Filter
Bank for Doppler Estimation," Proc. IEEE 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS),
March 2012.
W.P. Weydig, M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu,
"Implementation of Generalized DFT on Field Programmable Gate Array,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, March 2012.
M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu,
"On Epps Effect and Rebalancing of Hedged Portfolio in Multiple Frequencies,"
Proc. The Fourth International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec. 2011.
M.U. Torun and A.N. Akansu,
"Basic Price Model and Volatility in Multiple Frequencies,"
Proc. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Nice, France, June 2011.
M.U. Torun, A.N. Akansu and M. Avellaneda,
"Risk Management for Trading in Multiple Frequencies,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
A.N. Akansu and H. Agirman-Tosun, "Generalized Discrete Fourier Transform with Optimum Correlations,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, pp. 4054-4057, March 2010.
A.N. Akansu and H. Agirman-Tosun, "Improved
Correlation of Generalized Discrete Fourier Transform with Nonlinear Phase for OFDM and CDMA Communications,"
Proc. EUSIPCO, pp. 1369-1373, Aug. 2009.
A.N. Akansu and H. Agirman-Tosun,
Discrete Fourier Transform: Theory and Design Methods,"
Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, pp. 1-7, March 2009.
H. Agirman-Tosun and A.N. Akansu, "Continuous Phase Modulation for Multi-Level Spreading
Codes in CDMA Communications," Proc. Sarnoff Symposium, April 2008.
H. Agirman-Tosun and A.N. Akansu, "BER performance of DS-CDMA Communications for Continuous
Phase Modulation and Various Binary Code Families,"
Proc. CISS, March 2008.
R. Poluri and A.N. Akansu, "Varying Power Integer Codes for CDMA Communications,"
Proc. Asilomar, Oct. 2007.
R. Poluri and A.N. Akansu, "Shorth Length CDMA Codes for Wireless Sensor Networks,"
Proc. Sarnoff Symposium, May 2007.
R. Poluri and A.N. Akansu, "Walsh-like Nonlinear Phase Orthogonal Transforms for CDMA Communications,"
Proc. Asilomar, Oct. 2006.
R. Poluri and A.N. Akansu, "New Linear Phase Orthogonal Binary Codes for Spread Spectrum Multicarrier
Communications," Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Sept. 2006.
R. Poluri and Ali N. Akansu, "New Orthogonal Binary User Codes for Multiuser
Spread Spectrum Communications," Proc. EUSIPCO, Sept. 2005.
H. T. Sencar, M. Ramkumar and Ali N. Akansu, "An Analysis of Quantization
Based Embedding-Detection Techniques," Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2004.
H. T. Sencar, M. Ramkumar and Ali N. Akansu, "A New Perspective for
Embedding-Detection Methods with Distortion Compensation and Thresholding
Processing Techniques," Proc. IEEE ICIP 2003.
H. T. Sencar, M. Ramkumar and Ali N. Akansu, "Multiple Codebook Information
Hiding Based On Minimum Distortion Criterion," Proc. CISS 2003.
H.T. Sencar, A.N. Akansu and M. Ramkumar, "Improvements on Data Hiding for
Lossy Compression," Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2002.
L. Gang, A.N. Akansu and M. Ramkumar, "Security and Synchronization in
Watermark Sequence," Proc. IEEE ICASSP, May 2002.
H.T. Sencar, M. Ramkumar and A.N. Akansu, "A Robust Type-III Data Hiding
Technique Against Cropping & Resizing Attack," Proc. IEEE ISCAS, May 2002.
M. Zhao, W.A. Pearlman, and A.N. Akansu, "JSCC Design of Hybrid ARQ Schemes
for Progressive Image Transmissions," Proc. 36th CISS, WP-3, March, 2002.
X. Wei and A.N. Akansu, "On Parallel Iterative Decoding of Product Code,"
Proc.IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001.
L. Gang, A.N. Akansu and M. Ramkumar, "MP3 Resistant Oblivious Steganography,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2001.
L. Gang, A.N. Akansu and M. Ramkumar, "Set Partitioning in Oblivious Data
Hiding," Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2001.
M.Ramkumar and A.N. Akansu, "Robust Protocol for Proving Ownership of Images,"
Proc. IEEE ITCC, 2000.
M.Ramkumar and A.N. Akansu, "FFT-Based Signaling for
Multimedia Steganography,"
Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2000.
X. Cai and A.N. Akansu,
"A Subspace Method for Blind Channel Identification in OFDM Systems," Proc. IEEE ICC, 2000.
M.Ramkumar, A.N Akansu and X. Cai,
"Floating Signal Constellations for Multimedia
Steganography," Proc. IEEE ICC, 2000.
M.Ramkumar and A.N. Akansu, "A Robust Oblivious Watermarking Method,"
Proc. IEEE ICIP, 2000.
B. Ozer, W. Wolf and A.N. Akansu, "Relation Graph Matching for Human Detection
and Posture Recognition," Proc. SPIE Photonic East, 2000.
B. Ozer, M. Ramkumar and A.N. Akansu, "A New Method for Detection of
Watermarks in Geometrically Distorted Images, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2000.
S.Z. Ozer, S. Papavassiliou and A.N. Akansu, "On Performance of Switching
Techniques for Integrated Services in CDMA Wireless Systems," Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall,
B. An, S. Tekinay, S. Papavassiliou and A.N. Akansu, "Cellular Architecture for Supporting Geocast Services,"
Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, 2000.
B. An, S. Papavassiliou and A.N. Akansu, "A Geocast Architecture for Mobile Cellular Network,"
Proc. Second International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (2nd International COST 264 Workshop), 2000.
K.A. Peker, A.A. Alatan and A.N. Akansu, "Low-level Motion Activity Features
for Semantic Characterization of Video," Proc. IEEE International Conference
on Multimedia and Expo, 2000.
M. Zhao, A.A. Alatan, and A.N. Akansu, "Dynamic UEP of Progressive Image Bit
Streams Over Noisy Channels," Proc. IEEE ICASSP, pp. 2095-2098, 2000.
X. Wei and A.N. Akansu, "An Improved Iterative Decoding Algorithm for Turbo
Product Code," Proc. 38th Allerton Conference on Communications, Control,
and Computing, 2000.
H. Caglar, Y. Liu and A.N. Akansu,
"Statistically Optimized PR-QMF Design,"
Proc. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, pp. 86-94, vol. 1605, Boston, Nov. 1991.
A.N. Akansu, R.A. Haddad and H. Caglar,
"Perfect Reconstruction Binomial QMF-Wavelet Transform,"
Proc. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, pp. 609-618, vol. 1360, Lausanne, Sept. 1990.