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Connecting the 68EC000 SBC to a Windows 95/98/NT PC Using HyperTerminal

by David Harrison

February 26, 2000

Note:          It is recommended you download and install the updated version of HyperTerminal from:


This version of HyperTerminal loads files into the SBC much faster than the standard version included with Windows. The download is free for student or home use.


Setting Up the Connection

1.      Start HyperTerminal by going to Start>Programs>Accessories>HyperTerminal>Hyperterminal or, if you installed the upgrade Start>Programs>HyperTerminal Private Edition>HyperTerminal

2.     When HyperTerminal opens, a new connection dialog box will appear. In the ‘Name’ field enter a name for this connection such as ‘68EC000 SBC’ and hit the ‘OK’ button.

3.     A dialog box titled ‘Connect To’ will appear. In the ‘Connect using’ pull-down field select the serial port on the PC that your SBC will be connecting to and hit the ‘OK’ button.

4.    A properties dialog box for that serial port will appear. Set the ‘Bits per second’ pull-down field to the baud rate your SBC is set to communicate at. (The baud rate is set on the SBC by which ‘Q’ pin on the 74HC4020 is connected to the TxC and RxC pines on the 8251A.) Set ‘Data bits’ to 8, ‘Parity’ to None, ‘Stop bits’ to 1 and ‘Flow control’ to None. The hit the ‘OK’ button.

5.    Connect the SBC to the PC serial port and apply power to the SBC.

6.    Go to the ‘File’ pull-down menu and select ‘Save’ then go to ‘File’ and ‘Exit’

7.    Restart HyperTerminal. When the new connection dialog box appears hit the ‘Cancel’ button. In the ‘File’ pull-down menu, select ‘Open’. In the Open dialog box select the name of the connection you just created and hit the ‘Open’ button.

8.    Hit the reset button on the SBC and you should see the following:

68EC000 Monitor, version 2.08
Type ? for help menu.

Each time you want to connect the SBC to the PC after this just follow steps 7 and 8.


Loading HEX Files on the SBC

To load an ASM file into the SBC it must first be assembled into a HEX file using ASM68K.

After the file has been assembled, connect the SBC to the PC following steps 7 and 8 above.

1.    At the ‘%’ prompt in the terminal window hit ‘L’ followed by Enter. The SBC will reply ‘Start sending the file, ^C to abandon

2.    Select the ‘Transfer’ pull-down menu and select ‘Send Text File’.

3.    In the ‘open’ dialog box find the file you want to transmit. It should have the extension ‘.hex’. After the file has been selected hit the ‘Open’ button.

4.    In the terminal screen you will see lines of characters appear. After the lines stop it might be necessary to hit the enter key to return to the ‘ prompt.