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EE 395 Course Outline

Course Supervisor — Dr. S. Rosenstark

It is the objective of this laboratory to give the students the opportunity to acquire some hands-on experience with microprocessors. To this end the students will be required to construct a single board computer (SBC) as explained in Version 1.22 of the laboratory manual. Any student that does not show a strong effort to get a working SBC by the end of the semester should not pass the course.

Experiment 1 - Wiring the Microprocessor 

Each student is required to construct the microprocessor based computer. This task should take no more than 7 weeks. To assure success the students should get the kits without any delay and should start construction right away. Foot dragging will not lead to success in this course.

The class should be informed that they can get the microprocessor parts kit from ACL Equipment Corporation in Livingston, New Jersey, by simply calling and stopping by there. Their telephone number is 973-740-9800. If they insist on ordering the parts from other sources then they should be aware that there can be a shipping delay of a week to ten days, and that shipping costs must be paid each time an additional part is ordered.

Antonakos’s latest assembler and emulator can be found on the computers in room 204F in the subdirectory \ASM68K. The latest MONITOR program, MON208.ASM is in the same subdirectory.

In the following experiments the students must give a demonstration of whatever is required. The demonstration should be accompanied with a printout of the source code. This latter should be simple and to the point. Convoluted (spaghetti) code should be given a reduced grade.

Experiment 2 - Demonstrating Familiarity with the Microprocessor

This should take one lab session to perform.

Experiment 3 - The Microprocessor as an IC Test Jig

This should take two lab sessions to perform.

Experiment 4 - The Microprocessor Used to Simulate Flip Flops

This should take two lab sessions to perform.

Experiment 5 — DAC Interface with the Microprocessor

This may take the remainder of the semester to perform. The stockroom has kits containing the DAC0808 D/A converter and a few other chips. Each student can draw one kit from the stockroom. The students are responsible for having the foresight to obtain any other chips and components they think they will need during the course of the semester.

Requirements and Grading Policy

• The only documentation required of the students will be an individual final essay style report in the form of a critique. The student can discuss what was learned, what additional work could have been done and what improvements could be made in the course. The report can constitute a part of the grade of the course.

• Failure to demonstrate a working microcomputer by the end of the semester results in a very low grade or failure of the course.

• Demonstration of the microprocessor with only the capability to read the DIP switch and output the reading on the LEDS is worthy of a grade of C+.

• Demonstration of the microprocessor with the capability to interface with a PC is worthy of a grade of B.

• Completion of the previous step and the demonstration of a few (but not all) of the succeeding experiments is worthy of a grade of B+.

• Completion of all the other experiments in a timely manner merits a grade of A.

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