Design Considerations Checklist

Bullet Introduction
Bullet Parking
Bullet Public Open Space
Bullet Private Open Space
Bullet Landscaping
Bullet Building Location
-Site Entry and Circulation
-Climate Considerations

Bullet Building Shape
Bullet Building Appearance
Bullet Building Layout
Bullet Unit Layout

Design Consideration Checklist

Bullet Print Building Location

A building should respect its street, enhance its site and respond to its climate.

159d Building Location

How a building is placed on a site has a powerful impact on how a development is perceived by its neighbors and on how well it "works" for its residents. The site entry - where it is and how it looks - is critical to the public image of a development. Likewise the development's setback pattern can affect public perception of the project, either by reinforcing the pattern in the surrounding neighborhood or by consciously breaking that pattern. Finally, a building's placement on a site will influence how, and how much, the climate will impact the building.

How a building is placed on a site is one of the "big" early decisions in the design process. Getting it right makes every subsequent step that much easier.