Journal Publications
- Zemlianova, K, Bose, A and Rinzel, J (2024) Dynamical mechanisms of how an RNN keeps a beat, uncovered with a low-dimensional reduced model, Scientific Reports 24 , 26388
- Large, E, Roman, I., Kim, J., Cannon, J. Pazdera, J., Trainor, L., Rinzel, J. and Bose, A (2023) Dynamic models for musical rhythm perception and coordination, Front. Comput. Neurosci.17,
- Diekman, C and Bose, A , (2022) Beyond the limits
of circadian entrainment: Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder, shift work, and
social jet lag, J. Theoretical Biology, 545 , 111148
- Liao, G, and Bose, A, (2022) Entrainment
within hierarchical circadian networks, Math Bio Sci 351, 108883.
- Zemlianova, K, Bose, A and Rinzel, J (2022) A biophysical
counting mechanism for keeping time, Biological Cybernetics 116 , 205-216
- Marcano, M, Bose, A and Bayman, P
(2021) A
one-dimensional map to study multi-seasonal coffee infestation by the coffee
berry borer, Math Bio Sci 333, 108530
- Liao, G, Diekman, C, and
Bose, A, (2020) Entrainment
dynamics of forced hierarchical circadian systems revealed by 2-dimensional
maps, SIADS 19, 2135-2161.
- Byrne, A, Rinzel, J, and
Bose, A (2020), Order-indeterminant
event-based maps for learning a beat, Chaos, 30, 083138
- Martinez, D, Anwar, H, Bose,
A, Bucher, D and Nadim, F (2019), Short-term synaptic dynamics
control the activity phase of neurons in an oscillatory network, eLife:e46911
- Bose, A, Byrne, A and Rinzel, J (2019), A neuromechanistic
model for rhythmic beat generation, PLoS Computational Biology, 15(5): e1006450
- Akcay, Z., Huang, X., Nadim,
F. Bose, A. (2018) Phase-locking and bistability in neuronal networks with synaptic depression, Physica D, 264, 8-21.
- Diekman, C. and Bose, A.
(2018) Reentrainment of the circadian pacemaker
during jet lag: East-west asymmetry and the effects of north-south travel, Journal of Theoretical
Biology, 437, 261-285.
- Manchanda, K., Bose, A. and
Ramaswamy, R. (2017) Collective dynamics in
heterogeneous networks of neuronal cellular automata, Physica A, 487, 111-124.
- Golowash, J., Bose, A., Guan,
Y., Salloum, D., Roeser, A. and Nadim,
F. (2017) A balance of outward and
linear inward ionic currents is required for the generation of slow wave
J. Neurophysiol. 118 1092-1104.
- Diekman, C. and Bose, A.
(2016) Entrainment maps: A new tool
for understanding properties of circadian oscillator models, J. Biol. Rhyth., 31, 598-616.
- Mouser, C., Bose, A. and
Nadim, F., (2016) The
role of electrical coupling in generating and modulating oscillations in a
neuronal network,
Math. Biosci., 278, 11-21.
- Bose, A and Rubin, J., (2015)
Synaptic strategies for
optimizing burst length in reciprocally coupled neuronal networks, Int. J. Bifur. Chaos, 25, 1540004.
- Bose, A., Golowasch, J.,
Guan, Y. and Nadim, F., (2014) Role of linear and
voltage-dependent ionic currents in the generation of slow wave oscillations, J. Comput. Neurosci. 37,
- Akcay, Z., Bose, A. and
Nadim, F. , (2014) Effects of synaptic
plasticity on phase and period locking of a network of two oscillatory neurons, J. Math. Neuro. 4:8; doi:10.1186/2190-8567-4-8
- Kumar, R., Bose, A. and
Mallick, B., (2012) A mathematical model towards
understanding the mechanism of neuronal regulation of waking-NREMS-REMS states, PLoS ONE 7(8): e42059.
- Nadim, F., Zhao, S., Zhao, L.
and Bose, A. (2011) Inhibitory feedback promotes
stability in an oscillatory network, J. Neural Eng. 8, 065001.
- Singh, T.U., Manchanda, K.,
Ramaswamy, R. and Bose, A. (2011) Excitable nodes on random
graphs: Relating dynamics to network structure, SIADS, 10,
- Bose, A. and Booth, V. (2011)
Co-existent activity patterns
in inhibitory neuronal networks with short-term synaptic depression, J.Theor. Biol., 272,
- Zhang, Y, Bose, A, and Nadim,
F (2009) The influence of the
A-current on the dynamics of an oscillator-follower feed-forward inhibitory
network , SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 8
, 1564-1590.
- Chandrasekaran, C, Matveev, V
and Bose, A (2009) Multistability of clustered states in a
globally inhibitory network, Physica D 238 253-263.
- Zhang, Y, Bose, A, and Nadim,
F (2008) Predicting the activity phase
of a follower neuron with A-current in an inhibitory network, Biol. Cyber. 99
- Mouser, C, Nadim, F, and
Bose, A (2008) Maintaining phase of the
crustacean tri-phasic pyloric rhythm, J. Math. Biol, 57, 161-181.
- Matveev, V, Bose, A and
Nadim, F, (2007) Capturing the bursting
dynamics of a two-cell inhibitory network using a one-dimensional map, J. Comput.
Neurosci., 23, 169-187.
- Rubin, J. and Bose, A.
(2006), The geometry of neuronal
recruitment ,
Physica D, 221 , 37-57.
- Ambrosio-Mouser, C., Nadim,
F. and Bose, A. (2006), The effects of varying the
timing of inputs on a neural oscillator , SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 5 , 108-139.
- Bose, A., Manor, Y. and
Nadim, F., (2004)"The activity phase of
postsynaptic neurons in a simplified rhythmic network.", J. Comput. Neurosci. 17 ,
- Rubin, J. and Bose, A.,
(2004) Localized activity patterns
in excitatory neuronal networks, Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 15 , 133-158.
- Manor, Y., Booth, V., Bose,
A. and Nadim, F., (2003)"The contribution of synaptic depression to phase
maintenance in a model rhythmic network", J. of Neurophysiology 90 , 3513-3528.
- Kunec, S. and Bose, A.
(2003), "High-frequency,
depressing inhibition facilitates synchroniztion in globally inhibitory
networks" ,
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 14 , 647-672.
- Booth, V. and Bose, A.
(2002), "Burst synchrony
patterns in hippocampal pyramidal cell model networks" , Network: Comput Neural
Syst. 13 , 157-177.
- Bose, A., Manor, Y. and
Nadim, F. (2001) "Bistable oscillations
arising from synaptic depression" , SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 62 , 706-727.
- Bose, A. and Recce, M.
(2001), "Phase precession and
phase locking of hippocampal pyramidal cells" Hippocampus, 11 ,
- Booth, V. and Bose, A. (2001)
"Neural mechanisms for
generating rate and temporal codes in model CA3 pyramidal cells" , Journal of Neurophysiology,
85 , 2432-2445.
- Kunec, S and Bose, A. (2001),
"Role of synaptic delay
in organizing the behavior of self-inhibiting neurons", Physical Review E 63 ,
- Bose, A., Booth, V. and
Recce, M. (2000), "A temporal mechansism
for generating the phase precession of hippocampal place cells" , J. Comput. Neuro., 9,
- Bose, A. and Kriegsmann, G.
(2000),"Large amplitude
solutions of spatially non-homgeneous non-local reaction diffusion
Methods and Applications of Analysis, 7 , 295-311.
- Bose, A., Kopell, N. and
Terman, D. (2000), "Almost-synchronous
solutions for mutually coupled excitatory neurons", Physica D 140 ,
- Bose, A. (2000), "A geometric approach to singularly perturbed non-local
reaction diffusion equations",SIAM J. Math. Anal. 31, 431-454. Erratum
- Bose, A. and Kriegsmann, G.
(1998), "Stability of localized
structures in non-local reaction diffusion equations", Methods and Applications of
Analysis, 5, 351-366.
- Terman, D, Kopell, N and Bose,
A., (1998), "Dynamics of Two
Mutually Coupled Slow Inhibitory Neurons," Physica D, 117,
- Terman, D., Bose, A. and
Kopell, N. (1996), "Functional
Reorganization in Thalamocortical Networks: Transition Between Spindling and
Delta Sleep Rhythms, " Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 93, No. 26. 15417-15422.
- Bose, A. and Jones, C.K.R.T.
(1995), "Stability of the
In-phase Travelling Wave Solution in a Pair of Coupled Nerve Fibers, " Indiana University
Mathematics Journal, 44, 189-220.
- Bose, A. (1995), "Symmetric and Antisymmetric Pulses in Parallel Coupled
Nerve Fibres, "
SIAM J. Applied Math., 55 No. 6, 1650-1674.
- Bambaugh, B., Bose,
A. Ditmire, T., Kennedy, C., Puseljic, D., Ruchti, R., Ryan, J.,
Baumbaugh, A. and Knickerbocker , K. (1990), " Computer automated data
acquisition and control for measurement of scintillation materials and
scintillating fibres"
IEEE Trans. On Nucluear Science , 37, 298-304.
- Ruchti, R.,
Baumbaugh, B., Bose, A., Ditmire, T., Kennedy, C.,
Puseljic, D., Ryan, J., Baumbaugh, A., Knickerbocker,
K., Ellis, J., Mead, R. and Swanson, D. (1989), "Development of new
scintillating fiber detectors for high energy physics applications" IEEE Trans. On
Nucluear Science , 36, 146-149.
Computational Neuroscience
Conference Papers
- Drover, J, Tohidi, V, Bose, A and Nadim, F. (2007), Combining synaptic and
cellular resonance in a feed-forward neuronal network , Neurocomputing, 70,
- Bose, A., Lewis, T. and Wilson, R. (2005) Two-oscillator model of
ventilatory rhythmogenesis in the frog , Neurocomputing 65-66 , 751-777.
- Ambrosio, C., Bose, A. and Nadim, F. (2005), The Effect of
Modulatory Neuronal Input on Gastric Mill Frequency , Neurocomputing 65-66
, 623-631.
- Nadim, F., Booth, V., Bose, A. and Manor, Y. (2003), "Short-term
synaptic dynamics promote phase maintenance in multi-phasic rhythms", Neurocomputing, 52-54
, 79-87.
- Booth, V. and Bose, A. (2002) , "Transitions between different types of
synchronous oscillations using synaptic depression", Neurocomputing, 44-46C
, 61-67.
- Booth, V and Bose, A. (2001) "Regulating firing rate of networks of pyramidal
Neurocomputing, 38-40, 497-504.
- Nadim, F, Manor, Y and Bose, A. (2001) "Control of network output by synaptic
Neurocomputing, 38-40, 781-787.
- Bose, A and Kunec, S. (2001) "Synchrony and frequency regulation by synaptic
delay in networks of self-inhibiting neurons,", Neurocomputing, 38-40,
- Recce, M., Bose, A., and Booth, V. (2000) "Hippocampal place cells and the generation of a
temporal code",
Neurocomputing 32-33, , 225-234.
Other Publications
- Rubin, J. and Bose, A., (2024) Lessons from our advisor Christopher K.R.T. Jones, AMS Notices, DOI: 71 pp. 632-624
- Bose, A., (2014) Bifurcation in the
dynamics of single neurons and small networks, Ency. Computational
Neuroscience, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_453-1 Springer pp. 1-10
- Bose, A. and Nadim, F., (2014) Multistability arising from synaptic
Ency. Computational Neuroscience. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_272-1
Springer pp. 1-11
- Nadim, F., Zhao, S. and Bose, A., (2012) A PRC description of how
inhibitory feedback promotes oscillation stability, in Phase Response Curves in
Eds. Schultheiss, Nathan W.; Prinz, Astrid A.; Butera, Robert J., 399-418.
- Nadim, F and Bose, A. (2007) , Dynamics of Central
Pattern Generating Networks: Locus of Control , SIAM News, 40.
- Bose, A. and Booth V. (2005) Bursting in 2-compartment
neurons: A case study of the Pinsky-Rinzel model, in Bursting: The genesis of
rhythm in the nervous system Eds. Stephen Coombes, Paul Bressloff, 123-144.
Edited Books
- Frontiers of Applied and
Computational Mathematics, Eds. Denis Blackmore, Amitabha Bose and Peter
Petropoulos, World Scientific 2008