Reference Papers
This listing is updated every few months. If you'd like to have your papers listed here, please send the citations to Dr. Rosato at rosato@njit.edu.
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1. Aarons, L., and Sundaresan, S. (2006). "Shear flow of assemblies of cohesive and non-cohesive granular materials." Powder Technology, 169, 10-21.
2. Abatzoglou, N., and Simard, J. S. (2005). "Prediction of segregation tendency occurrence in dry particulate pharmaceutical mixtures: Development of a mathematical tool adapted for granular systems application." Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 10(1), 59-70.
3. Abecassis, J., Benhassaine, A., Chulia, D., Dodds, J., Fages, J., Guigon, P., Ilari, J., Melcion, J., and Vasseur, J. (1997). "Le génie particulaire: une priorité stratégique pour le développment des industries alimenaires." Ind. Alim. Agr., 114(9), 579-585.
4. Abecassis, J., Benhassaine, A., Chulia, D., Dodds, J., Fages, J., Guigon, P., Illari, J.-L., Melcion, J.-P., and Vasseur, J. (1997). "Le genie particulaire: Une priorite strategique pour le developpement des industries alimentaires." Ind. Alim. Agr., 9, 579-585.
5. Abreu, C. R. A., Tavares, F. W., and Castier, M. (2003). "Influence of particle shape on the packing and on the segregation of spherocylinders via Monte Carlo simulations." Powder Tech, 134, 167-180.
6. Abriak, N. E. (1997). "Flow of a granular material containing inclusions." Bulk Solids Handling, 17(3), 413-417.
7. Ackermann, N. L., and Shen, H. H. (1982). "Stress in rapidly sheared fluid-solid mixtures." J. Eng. Mech., 108(EM1), 95-113.
8. Acree-Riley, C., and Louge, M. Y. (1989). "Quantitative capacitance measurements of voidage in dense gas-solid flows." Particulate Science and Technology, 7, 51-59.
9. Adams, D. J., and Matheson, A. J. (1972). "Computation of dense random packings of hard spheres." J. Chem. Phys., 56, 1989-1994.
10. Adjemian, F., and Evesque, P. (2001). "Experimental slip-stick behaviour in triaxial test on granular matter." Poudres & Grains, 12(7), 115-121.
11. Adjemian, F., and Evesque, P. (2002). "Stress fluctuations in granular matter: Normal vs. seismic regimes in uniaxial compression tests." Poudres & Grains, 13(1), 4-5.
12. Adjemian, F., and Evesque, P. "Different regimes of stick-slip in granular matter: from quasi-periodicity to randomness." Fifth European Solids Mechanics Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 329.
13. Adjemian, F., and Evesque, P. (2004). "Erratum on "Stress fluctuations in granular matter: Normal vs. seismic regimes in uniaxial compression test." Poudres & Grains, 14(1), 4-7.
14. Adjemian, F., and Evesque, P. (2004). "Experimental study of stick-slip behaviour." Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 28, 501-530.
15. Adjemian, F., Evesque, P., and Jia, X. "Acoustic speckle and diffusion as a probe of contact distribution." Quasistatic Deformations of Particulate Materials, Budapest, Hungary, 15.
16. Adjemian, F., Evesque, P., and Jia, X. "Ultrasonic experiment coupled with triaxial test for micro-seismicity detection in granular media." Powders & Grains 2006, Stuttgard, 281-285.
17. Adrian, R. J. (1991). "Particle imiaging techniques for experimental fluid mechanics." Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 23, 261-304.
18. Agarwal, P., and Sinclair, J. L. (1998). "The effect of particle size distribution on the flow behavior of gas-solid suspensions." Fluidization IX, L. S. Fan and T. Knowlton, eds., Engineering Foundation, NY, 477-488.
19. Agnolin, I., Jenkins, J. T., and LaRagione, L. (2006). "A continuum theory for a random array of identical, elastic frictional disks." Mechanics of Materials, 38, 687-701.
20. Agrawal, P., and Sinclair, J. L. (1997). "The role of fines in the transport of gas-solid suspensions." Gas-Solid Flows, ASME-FED, 245, 1-8.
21. Ahmad, K., and Smalley, I. J. (1973). "Observation of particle segregation in vibrated granular systems." Powder Technology, 8, 69-75.
22. Ahmed Memon, M. (1983). "FLOW PATTERN DISCHARGE RATES OF MIXTURES AND PARTICLE SIZE SEGREGATION." Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 20-25.
23. Aidanpaa, J.-O., Shen, H. H., and Gupta, R. B. (1994). "Stability and bifurcation of a stationary state for an impact oscillator." Chaos, 4(4), 621-630.
24. Aidanpaa, J.-O., Shen, H. H., and Gupta, R. B. (1996). "Experimental and numerical studies of shear layers in a granular shear cell." J. Eng. Mech., 122(3), 187-196.
25. Akiyama, T., Iguchi, T., Aoki, K., and Nishimoto, K. (1998). "A fractal analysis of solids mixing in two-dimensional vibrating particle beds." powder Technology, 97, 63-71.
26. Akiyama, T., Shinmura, K., Murakawa, S., and Aoki, K. M. (2001). "A surface instability of granules under vibration in partitioned cylinders." Granular Matter, 3, 177-183.
27. Alam, M., and Hrenya, C. M. (2001). "Inelastic collapse in simple shear flow of a granular medium." Physical Review E.
28. Alam, M., and Luding, S. (2005). "Energy nonequipartition, rheolog, and microstructure in sheared bidisperse granular mixtures." Phys. Fluids 17(063303), 3-20.
29. Alam, M., and Luding, S. (2005). "Non-Newtonian granular fluids: Simulation and theory." Powders and Grains 2005, R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, and S. McNamara, eds., Balkema, Leiden (Netherlands), Stuttgart, 1141-1145.
30. Alam, M., and Nott, P. R. (1997). "The influence of friction on the stability of unboujnded granular shear flow." J. Fluid Mech., 343, 267-301.
31. Alam, M., and Nott, P. R. (1998). "Stability of plane Couette flow of a granular material." J. Fluid Mech., 377, 99-136.
32. Alam, M., Nott, P. R., Goddard, J. D., and Herrmann, H. J. (2005). "Instability-induced ordering, universal unfolding and the role of gravity in granular Couette flow." J. Fluid Mech. , 523, 277-306.
33. Alam, M., Trujillo, L., and Herrmann, H. J. (2006). "Hydrodynamic theory for reverse brazil nut segregation and the non-monotonic ascension dynamics." Journal of Statistical Physics, 124(2-4), 587-623.
34. Alder, B. J., and Wainwright, T. E. "Statistical mechanical theory of transport properties." Proceedings of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Brussels.
35. Alexander, A., Muzzio, F. J., and Shinbrot, T. (2004). "Effects of scale and inertia on granular banding segregation." Granular Matter, 5, 171-175.
36. Alexander, A., Shinbrot, T., Johnson, B., and Muzzio, F. J. (2004). "V-blender segregation patterns for free-flowing materials: Effects of lender capacity and fill level." Int. J. Pharmaceutics, 269, 19-28.
37. Alexander, A., Shinbrot, T., and Muzzio, F. J. (2002). "Scaling surface veloities in rotating cylinders as a fnction of vessel radius , rotating rate and particle size." Powder Technology, 126, 174-190.
38. Alexander, A. W., Shinbrot, T., and Muzzio, F. J. (2001). "Granular segregation in the double cone blender: transitions and mechanisms." Phys. Fluids A, 13, 578.
39. Alexeev, A., Goldshtein, A., and Shapiro, M. (200). "The liquid and solid states of highly dissipative vibrated granular columns: one-dimensional computer simulations." Powder Technology, 123(1), 83-104.
40. Alexeev, A., Goldshtein, A., and Shapiro, M. (2002). "The liquid and solid states of highly dissipative vibrated granular columns: One-dimensional computer simulations." Powder Technology, 123(1), 83-104.
41. Alexeev, A., and Gutfinger, C. (2003). "Particle drift in a resonance tube - a numerical study." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114(3), 1357-1365s.
42. Alexeev, A., and Gutfinger, C. (2004). "Aerosol deposition in periodic shock waves." Physics of Fluids, 16(4), 1028-1036.
43. Alexeev, A., Royzen, V., Dudko, V., and Goldshtein, A. (1999). "Dynamics of vertically vibrated two-dimensional granular layers." Physical Review E., 59(3), 3231-3241.
44. Alexeev, A., Verberg, R., and Balazs, A. C. (2005). "Modeling the motion of vesicles on compliant polymeric surfaces." Macromolecules, 38(24), 10244-10260.
45. Alexeev, A., Verberg, R., and Balazs, A. C. (2006). "Designing compliant substrates to regulate the motion of vesicles." Physical Review Letters, 96(14), 148103.
46. Alexeev, A., Verberg, R., and Balazs, A. C. (2006). "Modeling the interactions between deformable capsules rolling on a compliant surface." Soft Matter, 2, 499-509.
47. Alexeev, A., Verberg, R., and Balazs, A. C. (2006). "Motion of compliant capsulres on corrugated surfaces: a means of sorting by mechanical properties." Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, in press.
48. Allen, M. P., and Tildesley, D. J. (1989). Computer Simulation of Liquids, Oxford University Press.
49. Allersma, H. G. B. "Using image processing in analyzing stresses in photoelastic granular material." 10th Int. Conf. on Experimental Mechanics, Lisbon, 113-118.
50. Allersma, H. G. B. "Optical analysis of methods to influence the stress distribution in hoppers." Mechanics of Deformation and Flow of Particulate Material, Evanston, IL, 431-440.
51. Ally, M. R., and Klinzing, G. E. (1983). "Electrostatic effects in gas-solid pneumatic transport with loadings to 100 " Journal of powder & bulk solids technology, 7(3), 13-20.
52. Ally, M. R., and Klinzing, G. E. (1985). "Inter-relation of electrostatic charging and pressure drop in penumatic transport." Powder Technology, 44(1), 85-88.
53. Alonso, C. V., and Mendoza, C. (1992). "Near bed sediment concentration in gravel bedded streams." Water Resources Research, 28(9), 2549-2468.
54. Alonso-Marroquin, F., Luding, S., Herrmann, H. J., and Vardoulakis, I. (2005). "Role of anisotropy in the elastoplasic response of a polygonal packing." Phys. Rev. E, 71(051304), 1-18.
55. Alvarez, M. M., Muzzio, F. J., and Shinbrot, T. (2004). "Chaotic mixing in viscous fluids." Phys. Fluids, 16, S11 (Cover article).
56. Amarouchene, Y., and Kellay, H. (2006). "Speed of sound from shock fronts in granular flows." Physics of Fluids, 18(3).
57. Amos, G. L., and Rhodes, M. J. (1993). "Gas mixing in gas-solids risers." Chem. Eng. Sci., 48(5), 943-949.
58. Amos, G. L., Rhodes, M. J., and Benkreira, H. (1996). "Calibration model and procedure for optical probes in particle suspensions." Powder Tech, 88(2), 107-121.
59. An, L., and Pierce, A. (1995). "A weakly nonlinear analysis of elasto-plastic microstructures." SIAM J. Appl. Math., 55, 136-155.
60. An, X. Z., Yang, R. Y., Dong, K. J., Zou, R. P., and Yu, A. B. (2005). "Micromechanical simulation and analysis of one-dimensional vibratory sphere packing." Physical Review Letters, 95, 205502.
61. Anand, L., and Gu, C. (2000). "Granular materials: constitutive equations and strain localization." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 48, 1710-1733.
62. Anandarajah, A., and Kuganenthira, N. (1995). "Some aspects of fabric anisotropy of soil." Geotechnique, 45(1), 69-81.
63. Ancey, C., Coussot, P., and Evesque, P. (1996). "Examination of the possibility of a fluid-mechanics treatment for dense granular flows." J. Mech. of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, 1, 385-403.
64. Ancey, C., Coussot, P., and Evesque, P. (1999). "A theoretical framework for granular suspensions in steady simple shear flow." Journal of Rheology, 43, 1673-1699.
65. Ancey, C., and Evesque, P. "Analogy between granular flows down an inclined channel and the motion of a bead down a bumpy line." Powders & Grains '97, Durham, NC, 475-478.
66. Ancey, C., and Evesque, P. "Grain convection and diffusion in 2-D embankment under slow cyclic deformation." Powders & Grains '97, Durham, NC, 267-270.
67. Ancey, C., and Evesque, P. (2000). "Frictional-collisional regime for granular suspension down an inclined channel." Phys. Rev. E, 62, 8349-8360.
68. Ancey, C., Evesque, P., and Coussot, P. (1996). "Motion of a single bead on a bead row: Theoretical investigation." J. Phys. I France, 6, 725-751.
69. Andac, M. G., Campbell, C. S., Egolfopoulos, F. N., and Lee, J. C. "Effects of combustible dust clouds on premixed flame extinction in normal- and micro-gravity." International Symposium on Combustion, Abstracts of Accepted Papers, 74.
70. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., and Campbell, C. S. "Effects of combustible dust clouds on the extinction behavior of strained, laminar premixed flames in normal gravity." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 1487-1493.
71. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., and Campbell, C. S. (2002). "Premixed flame extinction by inert particles in normal- and micro-gravity." Combustion and Flame, 129(1-2), 179-191.
72. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., and Campbell, C. S. "Hot-gas ignition of non-premixed methane flames in the presence of inert particles." International Symposium on Combustion, Abstracts of Accepted Papers, 78.
73. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., Campbell, C. S., and Lauvergne, R. (2000). "Effecs of inert dust clouds on the extinction of strained laminar flames." Proc. Comb. Inst., 28, 2921-2929.
74. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., Campbell, C. S., and Lauvergne, R. (2000). "Effects of inert dust clouds on the extinction of strained, laminar flames at normal- and micro-gravity." Symposium (International) on Combustion, 28(2), 2921-2929.
75. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., Campbell, C. S., and Lauvergne, R. "Effects of inert dust clouds on the extinction of strained, laminar flames at normal- and micro-gravity." International Symposium on Combustion Abstracts of Accepted Papers, 54.
76. Andac, M. G., Egolfopoulos, F. N., Campbell, C. S., and Smooke, M. "Hot-gas ignition of non-premixed methane flames in the presence of inert particles." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 431-437.
77. Andac, M. G., Egolfpoulos, F. N., and Campbell, C. S. (2002). "Premied flame etinction by inert partiles in normal- and micro-gravity." Combusion and Flame, 129, 179-191.
78. Andersen, K. H., Chabanol, M.-L., and Hecke, M. v. (2001). "Dynamical models for sand ripples beneath surface waves." Phys. Rev. E 63(066308).
79. Anderson, K., and Jackson, R. (1992). "A comparison of some proposed equations of granular materials for fully developed flow down inclined planes." J. Fluid Mech., 241, 145-168.
80. Anderson, K., Sundaresan, S., and Jackson, R. (1995). "Instabilities and the formation of bubbles in fluidized beds." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 303, 327-366.
81. Anderson, R. S., and Bunas, K. L. (1993). "Grain size segregation and stratigraphy in aeolian ripples modelled with a cellular automaton." Nature, 365(6448), 740-743.
82. Anthony, C.-y. W. (1994). "Bulk densities of binary blends of free-flowing powders." Transactions Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 1(1), 57-63.
83. Antony, S. J. (2000). "Evolution of force distribution in three-dimensional granular media." Physical Review E, 63, 011302-1.
84. Antony, S. J., Zhou, C. H., and Wang, X. (2006). "An integrated mechanistic-neural network modelling for granular systems." Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30(1), 116-128.
85. Antonyuk, S., Khanal, M., Tomas, J., Heinrich, S., and Mo?rl, L. (2006). "Impact breakage of spherical granules: Experimental study and DEM simulation." Chemical Engineering and Processing, 45(10), 838-856.
86. Aoki, K. M., Akiyama, T., Maki, Y., and Watanabe, T. (1996). "Convective roll patterns in vertically vibrated beds of granules." Phys. Rev. E, 54, 874-883.
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88. Aoun-Habbache, M., Aoun, M., Berthiaux, H., and Mizonov, V. (2002). "An experimental method and a Markov chain model to describe axial and radial mixing in a hoop mixer." Powder Tech. , 128, 159-167.
89. Apicella, E., D'Amore, M., Tardos, G. I., and Mauri, R. (1997). "Onset of instability in shear gas fluidized beds." AIChE J., 43, 1362-1365.
90. Arau?jo, A. D., Moreira, A. A., Makse, H. A., Stanley, H. E., and Andrade Jr, J. S. (2002). "Traveling length and minimal traveling time for flow through percolation networks with long-range spatial correlations." Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 66(4), 046304/1-046304/7.
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92. Arnarson, B., and Jenkins, J. T. (2004). "Binary mixtures of inelastic spheres: simplified constitutive theory." Physics of Fluids 16, 4343-4550.
93. Arnarson, B. O., Jenkins, J. T., and Louge, M. Y. "Particle segregation in collisional shearing flows." IUTAM Symposium on Segregation in Granular Flows, Cape May, NJ, 223-229.
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106. Asmar, B. N., Langston, P. A., and Matchett, A. J. (2002). "A generalised mixing index in distinct element method simulation of vibrated particulate beds." Granular Matter, 4, 129-138.
107. Asmar, B. N., Langston, P. A., Matchett, A. J., and Walters, J. K. (2002). "Validation tests on a distinct element model of vibrating cohesive particle systems." Computers and Chemical Engineering, 26, 785-802.
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