Pushpendra Singh
- Ben-Abdallah, P, Ni, B., Ould El Moctar, A., Aubry, N. and Singh, P., Tunneling control of neutral particles in suspension in nanofluidic flow, Journal of Applied Physics, to appear (2005).
- N. Aubry and P. Singh, Influence of particle-particle interactions and particles rotational motion in traveling wave dielectrophoresis, to appear in Electrophoresis (2005).
- J. Batton, J. Kadaksham, A. Nzihou, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Preconcentration of heavy metals adsorbed in hydroxyapatite particles using a dielectrophoretic micro-device, to appear (2005).
- J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Manipulation of Particles Using Dielectrophoresis, Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 108-122 (2006).
- J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Dielectrophoresis induced clustering regimes of viable yeast cells, Electrophoresis, 26, 3738–3744 (2005).
- P. Singh and D.D. Joseph, Fluid dynamics of Floating particles, 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, Xi’an, China, 3-6 July (2005).
- J. Kadaksham, S.B. Pillaipakkam and P. Singh, Permeability of periodic arrays, Mechanics Research Communications, 32, 659-665 (2005).
- P. Singh and N. Aubry, Trapping Force on a Finite Sized Particle in a Dielectrophoretic Cage, in Physical Review E, 72, 016602-016607 (2005).
- J. Batton, J. Kadaksham, A. Nzihou, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Preconcentration of heavy metals adsorbed in hydroxyapatite particles using a dielectrophoretic micro-device, submitted (2005).
- Kadaksham, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N. “Electrorheological suspensions of Brownian particles”, 57th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society, Seattle, WA, Nov. 21-23, 2004.
- J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Dielectrophoresis of nano particles, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting,Anaheim, CA (2004).
- P. Singh and N. Aubry, Particle separation using dielectrophoresis, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting,Anaheim, CA (2004).
- P. Singh and D.D. Joseph, Fluid dynamics of Floating particles, J. of Fluid Mech., 530, 31-80 (2005).
- J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Dielectrophoresis of nano particles, Electrophoresis, 25, 3625-3632(2004).
- P. Singh and T.I. Hesla, Torque on floating particles, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 280, 542-543 (2004).
- J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Dynamics of pressure driven flows of electrorheological suspensions subjected to spatially non-uniform electric fields, Journal of fluids engineering, 120, 170-179 (2004).
- C. Verdier C., Q. Jin, P. Singh, A. Leyrat, R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, A. Duperray. 3D-Rolling and deformation of circulating cells adhering to a wall under flow, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 111, 14(2003). S.B. Pillaipakkam and P. Singh, Negative Wake and Velocity of a bubble rising in a Viscoelastic fluid, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting, Washington DC (2003).
- J. Kadaksham, J. Batton, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Micro Fluidic Platform for Manipulation of Micro- and Nanoscale Particles, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting,Washington DC (2003).
- J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Particle separation using dielectrophoresis, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting, Washington DC (2003).
- J. Kadaksham, J. Batton, P. Singh, N. Golubovic-Liakipoulos and N. Aubry, Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Micro- and Nanoscale Particles in Micro Channels, Nanotechnology World Forum, Marlborough, Massachusetts, June 23-25 (2003).
- J. Kadaksham, J. Batton, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Particle Structure Evolution in Micro Flow of Electrorheological Suspensions in Nonuniform Electric Fields , Proceeding of ASME Summer Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (2003).
- P. Singh, T.I. Hesla and D.D. Joseph, A Modified Distributed Lagrange Multiplier/Fictitious Domain Method for Particulate Flows with Collisions, Int. J. of Multiphase Flows, 29, 495-509 (2003).
- F. Alcocer and P. Singh, Permeability of periodic arrays of cylinders for viscoelastic flows, Physics of fluids, 14, 2578-2581 (2002). J. Kadaksham, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Direct Simulation of Electrorheological Suspensions subjected to spatially nonuniform electric field, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting IMECE2002/FED, New Orleans, Louisiana (2002).
- A. Wang, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Direct Simulation of electrorheological suspensions, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting IMECE2001/FED-24923, 179-185, New York, New York (2001).
- S.B. Pillaipakkam and P. Singh, Direct numerical simulation of drops in three dimensional viscoelastic simple shear flows, Proceeding of ASME Annual Meeting, New York, New York (2001).
- P. Singh and S.B. Pillaipakkam, Drop deformation and breakup in viscoelastic polymer blends, Proceeding of ANTEC Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas (2001).
- S.B. Pillaipakkam and P. Singh, A Level Set Method for computing solutions to viscoelastic two-phase flow, J. Computational Physics 174, 552-578 (2001).
- P. Singh, T.K.S. Solanky, R. Mudryy, R. Pfeffer and R. Dave, Estimation of coating time in the magnetically assisted impaction coating process, Powder Technology 121, 159-167 (2001).
- P. Singh, and D.D. Joseph, Sedimentation of a Sphere Near a Vertical Wall in an Oldroyd-B Fluid, J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 94, 179-203 (2000).
- N. Patankar, P. Singh, D.D. Joseph, R. Glowinski and T.W. Pan, A new formulation of the distributed Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method for particulate flows, Int. J. of Multiphase Flows 26, 1509-1524 (2000).
- P. Singh, S.B. Pillaipakkam and A. Narh, Direct numerical simulations of drops and bubbles in viscoelastic shear and pressure driven flows, proceeding of ANTEC Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida (2000).
- P. Singh, D.D. Joseph, T.I. Hesla, R. Glowinski and T.W. Pan, Direct numerical simulation of viscoelastic particulate flows, J. of Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 91, 165-188 (2000).
- P. Singh and H. Haung, Particle dynamics in hard-sphere systems, Mechanics Research Communications, 27(5), 517-527(2000).
- P. Singh and T.K.S. Solanky, Convection and local acceleration dominated regimes in Lennard-Jones systems, Physics Letters A 266, 11-18 (2000).
- J. Remmelgas, P. Singh and L.G. Leal, Computational studies of nonlinear elastic dumbbell model in a cross-slot device, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 88, 31-61(1999).
- R.S. Mudryy, P. Singh and A.D Rosato, Air entrainment effects in powder flows, Proceedings of IUTAM meeting on Segregation in Granular Flows, Ed., A.D. Rosato and D.L. Blackmore,Cape May, New Jersey, 327-336 (1999).
- F.J. Alcocer, V. Kumar, and P. Singh, Permeability of periodic porous media, Phys. Rev. E 59(1), 711-714 (1999).
- P. Singh, A note of elastic scattering from assemblies of particles, Journal of Applied Crystallography 31, 392-395 (1998).
- F. Alcocer, P. Singh and L.G. Leal, Numerical simulations of free surface viscoelastic flows using the level-set method, Proceedings of AIChE annual meeting, Miami, Florida (1998).
- B. Chaudhuri, P. Singh, M. Ramlakhan, C.Y. Wu, R. Pfeffer, and R. Dave, Simulation and modeling of magnetically-assisted impaction coating (MAIC) process for dry particle coating, World Congress of particle technology (1998).
- P. Singh and L.G. Leal, Computational Studies of the FENE Dumbbell Model with conformation dependent friction in a Co-Rotating Two-Roll Mill, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 67,137-178 (1996).
- P. Singh, Dynamics of an assembly of finite size Lennard-Jones spheres, Physical Review E, 53(6), 5904-5915 (1996).
- P. Singh and L.G. Leal, Viscoelastic flows with corner singularities, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 58, 279-313 (1995).
- P. Singh and D.D. Joseph, Dynamics of fluidized suspensions of spheres of finite size, International Journal of Multiphase flows, 21, 1-26 (1995).
- P. Singh and L.G. Leal, Computational studies of dumbbell model fluids in a co-rotating two-roll mill, Journal of Rheology 38, 485-517 (1994).
- P. Singh and L.G. Leal, Finite element simulation of the start-up problem for a viscoelastic problem in an eccentric cylinder geometry using third-order upwind scheme, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 5, 107-137 (1993).
- D.D. Joseph, P. Singh and A. Fortes, Finite size effects in fluidized suspension experiments, Particulate two-phase flow, Butterwirth-Heinemann, 300-324 (1992).
- D.D. Joseph, P. Singh and A. Fortes, Finite size effects in fluidized suspension experiments, Particulate two-phase flow, Butterwirth-Heinemann, 300-324 (1992).
- P. Singh and D. D. Joseph, Finite size effects in fluidized beds, Fourth international symposium on liquid-solid flows, Portland, Oregon. ASME volume (1991).
- P. Singh, P. Mohr and D.D. Joseph, Applications of binary sequences to problems in chaos, International Video Journal of Engineering Research, 1(2), 107-114 (1991).
- P. Singh and D. D. Joseph, One-dimensional, particle bed models of fluidized suspensions, Two-phase flows in fluidized beds, sedimentation and granular flows. IMA volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 26, Springer-Verlag (1990).
- P. Singh and D. D. Joseph, Finite size effects in fluidized beds, NSF-DOE Workshop on Flow of Particulates and Fluids, Gaithersburg, Maryland (1990).
- D. D. Joseph, P. Singh and K. Chen, Strange Couette flows, strange Taylor cells and strange attractor in Taylor-Couette flow of oil and water. Proceedings of NATO workshop on nonlinear evolution of spatio-temporal structures in dissipative continuous systems, Streitburg, Germany, Plenum, New York (1990).
- P. Singh, Ph. Caussignac, A. Fortes, D. D. Joseph and T. Lundgren, Stability of periodic arrays of cylinders across the stream by direct simulation, J. Fluid Mech. 205, 553-571 (1989).
- P. Singh and D.D. Joseph,Autoregressive methods for chaos on binary sequences for Lorenz attractor, Physics Letters A, 135, 247-253 (1989).
- D.D. Joseph, A. Fortes, T. Lundgren and P. Singh, Nonlinear mechanics of fluidization of beds of spheres, cylinders and disks in water, Advances in multiphase flow and related problems. Ed.,G. Papanicolau, SIAM, 101 (1987).
- D.D. Joseph, A. Fortes, T. Lundgren and P. Singh, Nonlinear mechanics of fluidization of spheres, cylinders and disks in water, Physics of fluids, 30, 9 (1987).