Nadine Aubry
ARTICLES (refereed publications)
1. Aubry, N., Holmes, P., Lumley, J.L. and Stone, E. A simple model for the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer. InInternational Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise, ed. M.P. Paidoussis., pp. 53-62, New York: ASME, 1988.
2. Aubry, N., Holmes, P., Lumley, J.L. and Stone, E. The dynamics of coherent structures in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics192, pp.115-173, 1988. (Cited over 300 times.)
3. Aubry, N., Holmes, P., Lumley, J. L. and Stone, E. Application of dynamical systems theory to coherent structures in the wall region. In Advances in Fluid Turbulence, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North Holland Physics Publishing Division, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York/Tokyo, p. 1-10, 1989.
4. Aubry, N., Holmes, P., Lumley, J.L. and Stone, E. Application of dynamical systems theory to coherent structures in the wall region. Physica D37, pp.1-10, 1989.
5. Aubry, N. and Sanghi, S. Streamwise and spanwise dynamics in the turbulent wall layer. In Chaotic Dynamics in Fluid Mechanics, Proc. 3rd Joint ASCE-ASME Mechanics Conference, UCSD, La Jolla (Ca), July 9-12, 1989, K. N. and U. Ghia, eds. New York: ASME, pp. 53-62, 1989.
6. Aubry, N., Lumley, J.L. and Holmes, P. The effect of drag reduction on the wall region. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 1, pp 229-248, 1990.
7. Aubry, N. Use of experimental data for an efficient description of turbulent flows. Applied Mechanics Reviews 43, pp.240-245, 1990.
8. Berkooz, G., Guckenheimer, J., Holmes, P., Lumley, J.L., Marsden, J., Aubry, N. and Stone, E. Dynamical-Systems-theory approach to the wall region. AIAA paper No. 90-1639. New-York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1990.
9. Aubry, N., Guyonnet, R. and Lima, R. Spatio-temporal analysis of complex signals: Theory and applications. Journal of Statistical Physics 64, pp. 683-739, 1991. (Cited over 100 times.)
10. Aubry, N. and Sanghi, S. Bursting of streaks in the turbulent wall layer. In Turbulence and Coherent Structures, eds. O. Metais and M. Lesieur, Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, pp. 227-251, 1991.
11. Aubry, N. On the hidden beauty of the proper orthogonal decomposition. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics2, pp. 339-352, 1991.
12. Sanghi, S and Aubry, N. Models for the structure and dynamics of near wall turbulence. In Studies in Turbulence, eds. T. B. Gatsky, S. Sarkar and C. G. Speziale, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 190-206, ISBN 0-387-97613-2, 1991.
13. Aubry, N., Guyonnet, R. and Lima, R. Spatio-temporal symmetries and bifurcations via bi-orthogonal decompositions. Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 (2), pp. 183-215, 1992.
14. Slimani, S., Aubry, N., Kolodner, P. and Lima, R. Biorthogonal decomposition analysis of dispersive chaos in binary fluid convection, In Bifurcation Phenomena and Chaos in Thermal Convection, eds. H. Bau, L. Bertram and S. A. Korpela., HTD-Vol. 214, Book No. G00699, ASME, pp. 39-46, 1992.
15. Aubry, N., Guyonnet, R. and Lima, R. Turbulence spectra. Journal of Statistical Physics 67, issue 1/2, pp. 203-228, 1992.
16. Aubry, N. and Lian, W. Exploiting and detecting space-time symmetries, In Exploiting symmetries in Applied and Numerical Analysis, Lectures in Applied Mathematics 29, pp. 71-85, 1993.
17. Cao, N. and Aubry, N. Reduced numerical simulation of wake flows behind a circular cylinder, In Separated Flows, FED-Vol. 149, eds. J. Craig-Dutton and P. Purtell, ASME, pp. 53-60, 1993.
18. Lian, W. and Aubry, N. Self-similarity of compressible turbulence, Transitional and Turbulent Compressible Flows, FED-Vol. 151, eds. L. D. Kral and T. A. Zhang, ASME, pp. 129-132, 1993.
19. Aubry, N., Lian, W. Y. and Titi, E. S. Preserving symmetries in the proper orthogonal decomposition. SIAM Journal on Statistical and Scientific Computing 14, pp. 483-505, 1993.
20. Cao, N. and Aubry, N. Detection of self-similar structures in turbulence: application to wake flows, Fluid Dynamics and its Applications 21, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, ISBN 0-7923-2449-8, pp. 215-224, 1993.
21. Sanghi, S. and Aubry, N. Low dimensional models for the structure and dynamics in near wall turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 247, pp. 455-488, 1993.
22. Aubry, N. and Cao, N. Role of the dilation symmetry in turbulence, In Progress in Wavelets Analysis and Applications, eds. Y. Meyer and S. Roques, Editions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, ISBN 2-86332-130-7, pp. 43-52, 1993.
23. Berkooz, G., Holmes, P., Lumley, J. L., Aubry, N., Stone, E. Observations regarding "Coherence and chaos in a model of turbulent boundary layer" by X. Zhou and L. Sirovich, Physics of Fluids 6, pp. 1574-1578, 1994.
24. Aubry, N., Chauve, M.P. and Guyonnet, R. Transition of turbulence on a rotating flat disk. Physics of Fluids6, pp. 2800-2814, 1994.
25. Aubry, N., Carbone, F., Lima, R. and Slimani, S. Wave propagation phenomena from a spatio-temporal view point: resonances and bifurcations, Journal of Statistical Physics 76, pp. 1005-1043, 1994.
26. Aubry, N., Berkooz, G., Coller, B., Elezgaray, J., Holmes, J. L. and Poje, A. The proper orthogonal decomposition, wavelets and modal approaches to the dynamics of coherent structures, In Eddy Structure Identification Techniques for Free Turbulent Flows, ed. J. -P. Bonnet. Springer, Heidelberg, etc. 1994.
27. Aubry, N. and Lima, R. The dynamics of spatio-temporal modulations, Chaos 5 (3), pp. 578-588, 1995. Kolodner, P., Slimani, S., Aubry, N. and Lima, R. Characterization of dispersive chaos and related states of binary fluid convection, Physica D 85, pp. 165-224, 1995.
28. Aubry, N. and Lima, R. Spatio-temporal and statistical symmetries, Journal of Statistical Physics 81, No 3/4, 793-828, 1995.
29. Rahibe, M., Aubry, N., Sivashinsky, G. I. and Lima, R. Formation of wrinkles in outward propagating flames, Physical Review E52(3), 3675-86, 1995.
30. Zhao, Z., Aubry, N. and Legrand, M. Criteria for transition to turbulence induced by Rychtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. In Compressible Turbulent Mixing, eds. R. Young, J. Glimm and B. Boston, World Scientific (1996).
31. Carbone, F., Aubry, N., Liu J., Gollub, J. P. and Lima, R. Space-time description of the splitting and coalescence of wave fronts in falling film flows, Physica D 96, 182-199, 1996.
32. Carbone, F. and Aubry, N. Hierarchical order in wall-bounded shear turbulence, Physics of Fluids 8(4), 1061-1075, 1996.
33. Legrand, M., Aubry, N., Le Piouffle, M. and Dewisme, A. Transition to turbulence generated by interface instabilities during a cylindrical implosion. InCompressible Turbulent Mixing, eds. R. Young, J. Glimm and B. Boston, World Scientific (1996).
34. Tang, S. and Aubry, N. Numerical simulation, modeling and control of the impulsively started flow past a circular cylinder, AIAA Paper No. 97-2135, pp. 832-833, New-York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1997.
35. Rahibe, M., Aubry, N. and Sivashinsky, G. I. Stability of pole solutions for planar propagating flames, Physical Review E 54, 4958-4972, 1996.Wang, Z.Y., Aubry, N. and Duncan, J.H. The analysis of the forming of the bulge in a spilling water wave, Acta Mech. Sinica 13, 26-35 (1997).
36. Aubry, N. Hierarchical, self-sustained energy cascade to small scales in wall-bounded shear turbulence, In Self-Sustaining Mechanisms of Wall Turbulence, International Series on Advances in Fluid Mechanics 15, Southampton/Boston, ISBN 1 85312 453 2, pp. 273-308, 1997.
37. Tang, S., and Aubry, N. On the symmetry breaking instability leading to vortex shedding, Physics of Fluids 9, 2550-2561, 1997.
38. Aubry, N. Dynamics and scaling of wall-bounded shear turbulence through the proper orthogonal decomposition, AIAA Paper No. 98-2996, New-York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1998.
39. Rahibe, M., Aubry, N. and Sivashinsky, G. I. Instability of pole solutions for planar propagating flames in sufficiently large domains, Combustion Theory and Modeling 2, pp.19-41, 1998.
40. Aubry, N. and Tang, S. Controlling vortex shedding by means of numerical simulations, ASME Paper No. FEDSM98-4891, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.
41. Aubry, N. and Tang, S, A low dimensional model for the symmetry breaking instability leading to vortex shedding, ASME Paper No. FEDSM98-5151, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.
42. Aubry, N. and Zhao, Z. Scaling in wall-bounded shear turbulence, In Industrial and Environmental Applications of Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, Lecture Notes in Physics 529, pp. 216-229, ISBN 3-540-66171-9, 1999.
43. Rahibe, M., Aubry, N. and Sivashinsky, G. I. Bifurcations in a planar propagating flame as the size of the domain increases, Applied Numerical Mathematics 31(1), pp. 103-115, 1999.
44. Christensen, E., Aubry, N. and Sorensen, J Space-time structure of the flow in a cylindrical cavity with a rotating lid, In Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp. 101-108, 1999.
45. Tang, S. and Aubry, N. On the suppression and alteration of vortex shedding, Journal of Fluids and Structures 14(3), pp. 443-468, 2000.
46. Li, F. and Aubry, N. Reactive flow control for a wake flow based on a reduced model, AIAA Paper No. 2000-2531, New-York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000.
47. Li, F. and Aubry, N. Reactive flow control for a wake flow based on a reduced model, AIAA Paper No. 2000-2531, New-York: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000.
48. Wang, P. Singh and N. Aubry, Direct simulation of electrorheogical suspensions, ASME Paper No. IMECE 2001/FED-24923, pp. 179-185, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
49. Kadaksham, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Direct Simulation of electrorheological suspensions subjected to spatially nonuniform electric field, ASME Paper No. IMECE2002-32190, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002.
50. X. Sun and N. Aubry, Optimal control of vortex shedding by an electro-magnetic field, ASME PaperFEDSM2002-31277, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002.
51. Glasgow, I. and Aubry, N., Enhancement of microfluidic mixing using time pulsing, Lab on a Chip3,114-120, 2003. (Featured on volume cover page; also one of the most accessed papers on the journal website for three months (ranked 5th, 3rd and 7th paper), with 438 hits during that time.)
52. Kadaksham, J., Batton, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Particle separation using dielectrophoresis, ASMEPaper No. FEDSM2003-43950, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
53. Kadaksham, J., Batton, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Microfluidic platform for manipulating micro- and nanoscale particles, ASME Paper No. IMECE2003-41582, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
54. Glasgow, I. and Aubry, N., Mixing enhancement in simple geometry microchannels, ASME Paper No. IMECE2003-41586, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
55. Aubry, N., Lima, R. and Rahibe, M., Breaking of space–time symmetries in modulated traveling waves,Chaos 13(2), 541-551, 2003.
56. Roman, M. and Aubry, N., Design and fabrication of electrostatically actuated synthetic microjets, ASME Paper No. IMECE2003-41579, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
57. Li, F. and Aubry, N., Feedback control of a flow past a cylinder via transverse motion, Physics of Fluids15(8), 2163-2176, 2003.
58. Glasgow, I. and Aubry, N., Pulsed flow mixing for bioMEMS applications, In 2003 MicroTAS Conference Proceedings, Squaw Valley, CA, October 5-9, 2003.
59. Ould El Moctar, A., Aubry, N. and Batton, J., Electro-hydrodynamic micro-fluidic mixer, Lab on a Chip3, 273-280, 2003.
60. Lieber, S., Aubry, N., Pain, J., Diaz, G., Kim, S. and Vatner, S., Measurement of the transverse apparent elastic modulus in mammalian cardiac myocytes, ASME Paper No. IMECE2003-41469, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
61. Kadaksham, J., Batton, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Dielectrophoretic manipulation of micro- and nanoscale particles in microchannels, in Nanotechnology World Forum 2003 Proceedings, Marlborough, Massachusetts, June 23-25, 2003.
62. Lieber, S., Aubry, N., Pain, J., Diaz, G., Kim, S. and Vatner, S., Aging increases stiffness of cardiac myocytes measured by atomic force microscopy nanoindentation, American Journal of Physiology286(8), H645-651, 2004.
63. Bao, Z., Mukherjee, S., Roman, M. and Aubry, N., Nonlinear vibrations of strings and membranes without tension, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 71(4), 551-559, 2004.
64. Ould El Moctar, A., Aubry, N. and Batton, J., Melangeur electro-hydrodynamique en microfluidique, Proceedings du Colloque SH Microfluidique 2004, Toulouse, France.
65. Kadaksham, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Dynamics of electrorheological suspensions subjected to spatially nonuniform electric fields, Journal of Fluids Engineering 126, 170-179, 2004.
66. Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Direct simulation of electrorheological suspensions, ASME Paper Number IMECE2004-61527, New York Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004.
67. Glasgow, I., Batton, J., and Aubry, N., Electroosmotic mixing in microchannels, Lab on a Chip 4(6), 558-562, 2004. (Generated a large number of press releases.)
68. Glasgow, I., Lieber, S. and Aubry, N., Parameters influencing pulsed flow mixing in microchannels, Analytical Chemistry 76, 4825-4832, 2004.
69. Singh, P., Kadaksham, J. and Aubry, N., Dielectrophoresis of nanoparticles, ASME Paper Number IMECE2004-61529, New York Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004.
70. Kadaksham, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Dielectrophoresis of nanoparticles, Electrophoresis25, 3625-3632, 2004.
71. Chen, Z. and Aubry, N., Active control of cylinder wake, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 10(2), 205-216, 2005.
72. Bao, Z., Mukherjee, S., Roman, M. and Aubry, N. Nonlinear mechanics of MEMS plates with a total Lagrangian approach, Computer and Structures83, 758-768, 2005.
73. Kadaksham, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N. Manipulation of particles using dielectrophoresis, Mechanics Research Communications 33(1), 2005 (In press).
74. Kadaksham, J., Singh, P. and Aubry, N. Dielectrophoresis induced clustering regimes of viable yeast cells, Electrophoresis26 (19), 2005 (In press).
75. Goullet, A., Glasgow, I. and Aubry, N. Microfluidic mixing using time pulsing, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2005 (In press).
76. Batton, J., Kadaksham, J., Nzihou, A., Singh, P. and Aubry, N. Collection of heavy metals adsorbed in hydroxyapatite particles using a dielectrophoresis micro-device, in Proceedings of the WasteEng2005 International Conference, Albi, France, May 16-18, 2005.
77. Chen, Z. and Aubry, N., Closed-loop control of vortex-induced vibration, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation10(3), 287-297, 2005.
78. Singh, P. and Aubry, N., Trapping force on a finite sized particle in a dielectrophoretic cage, Physical Review E 72, 016602, 2005.
79. Ould El Moctar, A., Aubry, N. and Batton, J., Electro-hydrodynamic micro-fluidic mixer, La Houille Blanche, 2005 (In press).
80. Ben-Abdallah, P, Ni, B., Ould El Moctar, A., Aubry, N. and Singh, P., Tunneling control of neutral particles in suspension in nanofluidic flow, Submitted to Journal of Applied Physics (2005).
81. Singh, P. and Aubry, N. Control of electrostatic particle-particle interactions in dielectrophoresis, Submitted to Euro Physics Letters, 2005.
82. Batton, J., Kadaksham, J., Nzihou, A., Singh, P. and Aubry, N. Trapping heavy metals by using calcium hydroxyapatite and dielectrophoresis, Submitted to Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2005.
83. Aubry, N. and Singh, P. Influence of particle-particle interactions and particle rotational motions in traveling wave dielectrophoresis, Submitted to Electrophoresis, 2005.
84. Goullet, A., Aubry, N. and Glasgow, I.K. Effects of microchannel geometry on pulsed flow mixing, Submitted to Mechanics Research Communications, 2005.
85. Lieber, C. S., Aubry, N., Kawabe, J-I. and Vatner, S.F. Polymer construct aid in vascular smooth muscle cell imaging in a multi-use atomic force microscope, Submitted to Journal of Microscopy, 2005.
86. Nudurupati, C., Singh, P. and Aubry, N. Electrohydrodynamics of yeast cells in traveling electric fields, Submitted to Journal of Physics: Applied Physics, 2005.
87. Goullet, A. and Aubry, N. Hamiltonian control of Rossby waves, in preparation (to be submitted to Physics of Fluids).
88. Goullet, A. and Aubry, N. Chaotic advection in a dual speed stirred tank, in preparation (to be submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics).
89. Liu, G., Batton, J. and Aubry, N. Electro-Magnetic stirrer for a flow in a microchannel (to be submitted to Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering).
Sorensen, J., Hopfinger, E. and Aubry, N. (eds.) Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Fluid Mechanics and its Applications Series 52, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1999.
1. Aubry, N., Holmes, P., Lumley, J.L. and Stone, E. The dynamics of coherent structures in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer. Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering Report No. FDA-86-15. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
2. Aubry, N. A dynamical system/coherent structure approach to the fully developed turbulent boundary layer, Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, 1987 (also published as Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering Report No. FDA-87-11. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University).
3. Aubry, N., Lumley, J.L. and Holmes, P. The effect of drag reduction on the wall region. Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering Report No. FDA-88-18. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
4. Aubry, N. Discussion on the utility of dynamical systems approach (reporter). Whither Turbulence?, Lecture Notes in Physics 357, Springer Verlag, New York,pp 292-305, ISBN 3-540-52535-1, 1990.
5. Aubry, N. Emergence of spatio-temporal structures in transitional and turbulent flows. In: Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, June 17-19, 1991, Abbey of Royaumont, France (CEA/DAM ed.), pp. 217-224.