Chao Zhu
1. Liang-Shih Fan and Chao Zhu, Principles of Gas-Solid Flows, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 557 pages, 1998 (ISBN 0-521-58148-6)
2. Liang-Shih Fan, Chao Zhu and Jian Zhang, Principles of Gas-Solid Flows: Solution Manual, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998, 150 pages. (ISBN 0-521-64613-8)
1. C. Zhu, Q. Yu, L.-S. Fan, "Modeling on Core-Annulus-Wall Structure in Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser", in Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology VIII, ed. by K. Chen, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, pp. 354-361, 2005. (ISBN 7-5062-7442-6)
2. Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, Robert Pfeffer, Rajesh Dave, "Modeling on Agglomerate Particulate Fluidization of Nano-particles: determination of agglomerates size and internal structure", in Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology VIII, ed. by K. Chen, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, pp. 362-369, 2005. (ISBN 7-5062-7442-6)
3. Tong H. Lee, Xiaohua Wang, Chao Zhu, "3-D Simulation of Crossflow Evaporating Sprays in Circulating Fluidized Beds", in Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology VIII, ed. by K. Chen, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, pp.386-393, 2005. (ISBN 7-5062-7442-6)
4. C. H. Lin and C. Zhu, “Applications of Particle Transport in Surface Deposition and Cleaning”, Chapter 7, in Surface Contamination and Precision Cleaning Handbook, ed. by K. L. Mittal and R. Kohli, Noyes Publications, 2002 (in press).
5. C. Zhu, X. Wang, G. Liu, “Effect of Particle Loading on Liquid Nitrogen Jet Mixing in a FCC Riser”, in Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology VII, ed. by J. R. Grace, J. Zhu, H. de Lasa, Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, Ottawa, Canada, 2002, pp.881-888. (ISBN 0-920804-98-5)
6. Chao Zhu, Chapter 2: Isokinetic Sampling and Cascade Impactor, Instrumentation for Fluid-Particle Flow, ed. by Shao Lee Soo, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, USA, 1999, pp.9-46. (ISBN 0-8155-1433-6)
7. Chao Zhu and Liang-Shih Fan, Chapter 18: Gas-Solid Flows, The Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, ed. by Richard W. Johnson, CRC Press, Boca Raton, LA, USA, 1998, pp.18-1: 18-48. (ISBN 0-8493-2509-9)
8. S. L. Soo and C. Zhu, Chapter 9: Unsteady Motion of Dense Suspensions and Rheological Behavior, Particulate Two-Phase Flow, ed. By M. C. Roco, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, MA, USA, 1993, pp.265-297. (ISBN 0-7506-9275-8)
1. C. Zhu, Q. Yu, R. Dave, R. Pfeffer, “Gas Fluidization Characteristiccs of Nanoparticle Agglomerates”, AIChE J., 51(2), pp. 426-439, 2005.
2. S. Dukhin, C. Zhu, R. Dave, Q. Yu, "Hydrodynamic Fragmentation of Nanoparticle Aggregates at Orthokinetic Coagulation", Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 114-115, pp. 119-131, 2005.
3. T. Lee, C. Zhu, "Numerical Simulation of Evaporating Crossflow Sprays in Gas-Solids Circulating Fluidized Beds", J. Chin. Inst. Chem Engr, 36(1), pp. 43-48, 2005.
4. Q. Yu, R. Dave, C. Zhu, J. Quevedo, "Enhanced Fluidization of Nanoparticles in an Oscillating Magnetic Field", AIChE J., 51(7), pp. 1971-1979, 2005.
5. X. Wang, C. Zhu, and R. Ahluwalia, “Numerical Simulation of Evaporating Spray Jets in Concurrent Gas-Solids Pipe Flows”, Powder Technology, 140, pp.56-67, 2004.
6. C. Zhu, G. Liu, Q. Yu, R. Pfeffer, R. N. Dave, C. H. Nam, “Sound Assisted Fluidization of Nanoparticle Agglomerates” Powder Technology, 141, pp.119-123, 2004.
7. S. S. Dukhin, C. Zhu, R. Dave, R. Pfeffer, J. J. Luo, F. Chávez and Y. Shen, “Dynamic Interfacial Tension near Critical Point of a Solvent-Antisolvent Mixture and Laminar Jet Stabilization”, Colloids and Surfaces, 229, pp.181-199, 2003.
8. C. Zhu, K. Lam, H. H. Chu, X. D. Tang, G. Liu, "Drag Forces of Interacting Spheres in Power-Law Fluids", Mechanics Research Communications, 30, pp.651-662, 2003.
9. X. Wang and C. Zhu, “Concentric Evaporating Spray Jets in Dilute Gas-Solid Pipe Flows”, Powder Technology, 129, 59-71, 2003.
10. C. Zhu, C. H. Lin, G. H. Qian and R. Pfeffer, “Modeling of Pressure Drop and Flow Field in a Rotating Fluidized Bed”, Chemical Engineering Communications, 190(6), 1-23, 2003.
11. C. Zhu, G. L. Liu, X. Wang and L.-S. Fan, “A Parametric Model for Evaporating Liquid Jets in Dilute Gas-Solid Flows”, Int’l. J. Multiphase Flows, 28, 1479-1495, 2002.
12. S. Chen, C. S. Cheung, C. K. Chan and C. Zhu, “Numerical Simulation of Aerosol Collection in Filters with Staggered Parallel Rectangular Fibers”, Computational Mechanics, 28, 152-161, 2002.
13. L.-S. Fan, R. Lau, C. Zhu, K. Vuong, W. Warsito, X. Wang and G. Liu, “Evaporative Liquid Jets in Gas-Liquid-Solid Flow System”, Chem. Eng. Science, 56, 5871-5891, 2001.
14. Chao Zhu, Xiaohua Wang, Guangliang Liu, Liang-Shih Fan, A Similarity Model of Evaporating Liquid Spray Jets in Concurrent Gas-Solid Flows, Powder Technology, 119, 292-297, 2001.
15. Chao Zhu, Chao-Hsin Lin, Chun Shun Cheung, Inertial Impaction dominated Fibrous Filtration with Rectangular or Cylindrical Fibers, Powder Technology, 112, 149-162, 2000.
16. Chao Zhu, Guangliang Liu, Modeling of Ultrasonic Enhancement on Membrane Distillation, J. Membrane Science, 176, 31-41, 2000.
17. Chao Zhu, Xiaohua Wang, Liang-Shih Fan, Effect of Solids Concentration on Evaporative Liquid Jets in Gas-Solid Flows, Powder Technology, 111, 79-82, 2000.
18. C. Zhu, G. L. Liu, C. S. Cheung, C. W. Leung, Z. C. Zhu, Ultrasonic Stimulation on Enhancement of Air Gap Membrane Distillation, J. Membrane Science, 161, 85-93, 1999.
19. Jiangping Zhang, Liang-Shih Fan, Chao Zhu, Robert Pfeffer, Dewei Qi, Dynamic Behavior of Collision of Elastic Spheres in Viscous Fluids, Powder Technology, 106, 98-109, 1999.
20. Liu Guangliang, Huang Dongtao, Zhu Zhichi, Zhu Chao, Mechanism of Mass Transfer on Air Gap Membrane Distillation, J. Tsinghua University (Sci & Tech), 39, 50-53, 1999 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
21. Zhu Chao, Liu Guangliang, Cheung Chunshun, Parametric Modeling of a Fibrous Particulate Filter, Trans. CSICE, 16(2), 168-175, 1998.
22. G. L. Liu, C. Zhu, C. S. Cheung, C. W. Leung, Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Air Gap Membrane Distillation, Heat and Mass Transfer, 34, 329-335, 1998.
23. C. Zhu, S.-C. Liang, L.-S. Fan, Particle Wake Effects on the Drag Force of an Interactive Particle, Int'l. J. Multiphase Flow, 20(1), 117 – 125, 1994.
24. S. L. Soo, C. Zhu,Dynamics of Phases in a Standpipe, Scientia Irania, Int'l J. of Science and Tech., 1(2), 41-47, 1994.
25. M. C. Slaughter, C. Zhu, S. L. Soo, Measurement of Local Statistical Properties of Particle Motion in a Dense Gas-Solid Suspension, Advanced Powder Technology, 4(3), 169-175, 1993.
26. J. G. Plumpe, C. Zhu, S. L. Soo, Measurement of Fluctuations in Motion of Particles in a Dense Gas-Solid Suspension in Vertical Pipe Flow, Powder Technology, 77(2), 209- 215, 1993.
27. C. Zhu, S. L. Soo, Statistical Properties of Unsteady Gas-Solid Suspensions with Strong Particle-Particle Interactions in Horizontal Pipe Flows, Powder Technology, 73, 51-64, 1992.
28. C. Zhu, S. L. Soo, A Modified Theory for Electrostatic Probe Measurements of Particle Mass Flows in Dense Gas-Solid Suspensions, J. Appl. Phys., 72(5), 2060-2065, 1992.
29. C. Zhu, M. C. Slaughter, S. L. Soo, Covariance of Density and Velocity Fields of a Gas-Solid Suspension, Rev. of Sci. Instrum., 62(11), 2835-2839, 1991.
30. C. Zhu, M. C. Slaughter, S. L. Soo, Measurement of Velocity of Particles in a Dense Suspension by Cross-Correlation of Dual Laser Beams, Rev. of Sci. Instrum., 62(8), 2036-2039, 1991.
31. S. L. Soo, D. Baker, T. R. Lucht, C. Zhu, A Corona Discharge Probe System for Measuring Phase Velocities in a Dense Suspension, Rev. of Sci. Instrum., 60, 3475-3478, 1989.
1. Chao Zhu, Qun Yu, Liang-Shih Fan, "Modeling on Core-Annulus-Wall Structure in Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser", The 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, China, May 10-13, 2005.
2. Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, Robert Pfeffer, Rajesh Dave, "Modeling on Agglomerate Particulate Fluidization of Nano-particles: determination of agglomerates size and internal structure", The 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, China, May 10-13, 2005.
3. Tong H. Lee, Xiaohua Wang, Chao Zhu, "3-D Simulation of Crossflow Evaporating Sprays in Circulating Fluidized Beds", The 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, China, May 10-13, 2005.
4. Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, L.-S. Fan, Bing Du, "Modeling on Core-Annulus-Wall Structure in Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser near Choking", The Ninth Asian Conference on Fluidized-Bed and Three-Phase Reactors, November, 2004, Wanli, Taiwan.
5. Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, Robert Pfeffer, Rajesh Dave, "Fluidization Characteristics of Nanoparticle Agglomerates", The Ninth Asian Conference on Fluidized-Bed and Three-Phase Reactors, November, 2004, Wanli, Taiwan.
6. Tong Lee, Chao Zhu, "3-D Simulation of an Evaporating Cross-flow spray in a Gas-Solids Circulating Fluidized Bed", The Ninth Asian Conference on Fluidized-Bed and Three-Phase Reactors, November, 2004, Wanli, Taiwan.
7. Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, Robert Pfeffer, Rajesh Dave, "Experimental Study on Fluidization Characteristics of Nanoparticles", ASME HT-FED 2004 Summer Meeting, June, 2004, Charlotte, NC.
8. Muhammad M. Rafique Qureshi, Tong H. Lee, Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, "Measurements of Gas Entrainment in Evaporating Spray Jets", ASME HT-FED 2004 Summer Meeting, June, 2004, Charlotte, NC.
9. Liu G., Yu Q., Zhu C., Pfeffer R., Dave R., Fluidization Characteristics of Nanoparticle Agglomerates in Acoustic Fields, 2004 PARTECH Annual Meeting, March 16-18, 2004, Nurenburg, Germany.
10. Chao Zhu, Gui H. Qian, Marty Kashef, "Axisymmetric Two-Phase Flows with Charged Particles in Confined Chambers", 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting, paper 292z, Nov. 2003, San Francisco, CA.
11. Muhammad M. Rafique Qureshi, Tong H. Lee, Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, "Experimental Study of Evaporating Spray Jets in Cross Flow: Effect of Different Aspect Ratios of Rectangular Nozzles", 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 2003, San Francisco, CA.
12. Guangliang Liu, Qun Yu, Chao Zhu, Robert Pfeffer, Rajesh Dave, "Sound-Assisted Fluidization of Nanoparticles", 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 2003, San Francisco, CA.
13. G. A. Rossetti, Jr., P. Pinceloup, M. Oledzka, W. Suchanek, K. Mikulka-Bolen, M. M. Lencka, M. Emre, T. Lee, C. Zhu, R. Dave, L. E. McCandlish, R. E. Riman, "Hydrothermal Growth of Epitaxial PZT", 204th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Orlando, FL, Oct.12-17, 2003.
14. Chao Zhu, Guangliang Liu, Xiaohua Wang, Oblique Evaporating Sprays in Gas-Solid Suspensions, 2002 ASME FED Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 14-18, 2002 (paper #31029)
15. Chao Zhu, Xiaohua Wang, Guangliang Liu, Numerical Simulation of Coaxial Evaporating Spray in Nozzle Region of Circulating Fluidized Reactor, 2002 ASME FED Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 14-18, 2002 (paper #31405)
16. J.-J. Luo, C. Zhu , R. Dave, R. Pfeffer,In-Situ Optical Studies on Drop/Particle Formation in Supercritical Fluids, World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, Australia, July 21 – 26, 2002.
17. C. Zhu, X. Wang, G. Liu, Effect of Particle Loading on Liquid Nitrogen Jet Mixing in a FCC Riser, 7th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, May 5-8, 2002.
18. G. Liu, C. Zhu, Droplet-particle Collision over Leidenfrost Temperature, 2001 AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, Nov. 4-9, 2001 (paper # 148k).
19. Chao Zhu, Kit Lam, Hoi-Hung Chu, Xu-Dong Tang, Guangliang Liu, Direct Measurements and Numerical Computations of Drag Forces of Interacting Spheres in Power-law Fluid Flows, 2001 AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, Nov. 4-9, 2001 (paper # 185h).
20. C. Zhu, C. H. Lin, G. H. Qian and R. Pfeffer, Modeling of the Pressure Drop and Flow Field in a Rotating Fluidized Bed, 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, September 23 – 27, 2001.
21. L.-S. Fan, R. Lau, C. Zhu, K. Vuong, W. Warsito, X. Wang, G. Liu, Evaporative Liquid Jets In Gas-Liquid-Solid Flow System, 5th Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering conference, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 23-27, 2001.
22. S. Chen, C. S. Cheung, C. K. Chan and C. Zhu, Inertial Impaction-dominated Diesel Particle Collection in Filters with Rectangular Fibers, ASME-ICED, Argonne, IL, September 23-26, 2001.
23. Chao Zhu, Guangliang Liu and Xiaohua Wang, Evaporating Cross-flow Jets in Gas-Solid Suspension Flows, 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows, New Orleans, LO, May 27-30, 2001 (2001) (paper #117).
24. Chao Zhu, Xiaohua Wang and Guangliang Liu, Evaporative Liquid Jets in Concurrent Gas-solid Pipe Flows, 34th ASME Heat Transfer National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 20-22, 2000 (paper #17e).
25. Xiaohua Wang, Chao Zhu, and Guangliang Liu, Experimental Study of Evaporative Liquid Jets in Vertical Gas-solid Pipe Flows, 2000 AIChE Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 6-9, 2000 (paper #18b).
26. Guangliang Liu, Chao Zhu, and Xiaohua Wang, Modeling of Ultrasonic Enhancement on Membrane Distillation, 2000 AIChE Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 6-9, 2000 (paper #18e).
27. C. Zhu, J. Zhang, R. Pfeffer, and L.-S. Fan, Analytical Modeling of Collinear Collision of Elastic Spheres Moving at Low Reynolds Numbers in Viscous Fluids, 1998 AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, Nov. 15-20, 1998 (paper #22a).
28. T. Hong, C. Zhu, L.-S. Fan, Numerical Modeling of Formation of Single Bubble Chain and Bubble Breakage Due to Collision with Particle in Liquids,ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 7-11, 1996, ASME FED, 236(1), pp. 581-589.
29. Chao Zhu, Shao Lee Soo, Liang-Shih Fan, Wave Motions in Stratified Gas-Solid Pipe Flows, 1996 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 7-11, 1996, ASME FED, 236(1), pp. 565 -572.
30. C. Zhu, S.-C. Liang, L.-S. Fan, Particle Wake Effects on the Drag Force of an Interactive Particle, 1992 AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, November 15-20, 1992.
31. S. L. Soo, C. Zhu, and T. R. Lucht, Statistical Properties of Dense Suspensions in Pipeflow, Second International Symposium on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Xian, Shanxi, China, 1991, Proceedings Vol.2, pp.1047-1056.
32. S. L. Soo, T. R. Lucht, and C. Zhu, Measurement of Average Flow Rate of Solids in a Recirculating Pneumatic Pipe Flow Loop, 14th Powder and Bulk Solids Conference, Rosemont, IL, May 15-18, 1989, Proceedings, pp. 350-354.
1. C. Zhu, J. You, A One-Dimensional Model of Gas-Solids Flows in the Acceleration Zone of a CFB Riser, 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November 7-11, 2005.
2. Yu Q., Quevado J., Nakamura H., Dave R., Pfeffer R., Watano S., Zhu C.,Fluidization of Nanoparticles under Magnetic or Centrifugal Fields, 2004 AICHE Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 7-12, 2004
3. T. H. Lee, Yuenyan Shen, Chao-Hsin Lin, Chao Zhu, Rajesh Dave, Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in a Crystal Growth Reactor with Double Impellers, 2002 International Meeting on Solvothermal Reactions (ICSTR), East Brunswick, NJ, July 22-26, 2002.
4. J.J. Luo, Y. Shen, C. Zhu, R.N. Dave, R. Peffer, P.G. Debenedetti, B. Khusid, Hydrodynamics in Particle Formation by Supercritical Antisolvent Precipitation, AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, Nov. 4-9, 2001 (paper #169b).
5. Guangliang Liu, Chao Zhu, Droplet-particle Collision over Leidenfrost Temperature, AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, Nov. 4-9, 2001 (paper #148k).
1. C. Zhu, T. Yu, and D. Huang, Numerical Study of Effect of Velocity Slip on Isokinetic Sampling of Gas-Solid Flows, ISMNP’97, Beijing, China, Oct. 7-10, 1997 Proceeding of the International Symposium on Multiphase Fluid, Non-Newtonian Fluid and Physico-Chemical Fluid Flows, pp.2-101:2-107.
2. S. L. Soo, C. Zhu, L. M. Liljegren, B. S. Sievers, and N. J. Shin, NSF/DOE Workshop on Flow of Particles and Fluids, Gaithersburg, MD, Oct.1-3, 1990, Proceedings, pp. 263-282.
3. S. L. Soo, C. Zhu, and T. R. Lucht, Joint DOE/NSF Workshop on Fluid-Solids Transport, Pleasanton, CA, May 15-17, 1989, Proceedings, pp.83-97.
4. Zhou Lixing, Zhu Chao, Huang Xiaoqing, Numerical Modeling of Three-dimensional Flow Field in Cold Model-Combustors of Co-Flow Jets with Large Velocity Difference, Intern. Symp. on Coal Comb., Beijing, September 1987.
5. Zhu Chao and Zhou Lixing, Numerical Simulation of Co-current Jets with Large Velocity Difference in Cold Model-Combustors, Second National Symp. on Fluid Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer and Combustion, Daliang, Shandong, China, November 3-6, 1986, in Chinese.
6. Zhao Huiquan, Zhu Chao, Huang Xiaoqing, Zhou Lixing, Experimental Studies on Flow Field and Particle Mixing Rate in a Sudden Expansion Combustor, Third National Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Changsha, Hunan, China, 1985, in Chinese.
7. Zhu Chao, Chen Lihong and Zhou Lixing, Numerical and Experimental Studies on Gas-Solid Jet, First National Symp. on Fluid Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer and Combustion, Quanzhou, Fujian, China, 1985, in Chinese.