CIS 668 : Parallel Algorithms

Course Information
Course E-mail:
Office Hours: Mon,Wed: 10:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00 (Fall 2000)
Course Hours: Mon, Wed 13:00-14:25 Faculty 403


  • Quiz 2 by popular demand has been rescheduled for Monday December 11, 2000, 1pm. Covers everything but PRAM algorithms.
  • Wed Dec 13, 2000 is the last day of classes. There is a class that day.
  • Problem Set 3 will be out at noon on Nov 29.
  • Office Hours Week 11/20-11/24 On Mon 11/20 only the morning office hours will be observed. The instructor will be in a meeting (Room GITC 3740) from 4-7pm. On Wed, a Friday schedule is followed which means no office hours. There is no class on Wednesday 11/22.
  • Programming Assignment 2 is out
  • If you are an MS student in Computer Science you may want to visit the fllowing URL that contains information about this program.
  • BSP Reading An interesting paper to read on BSP can be retrieved in Postscript through this link.
  • Midterm Performance Add PS1, PS2 and Qz1 grades. Call Sum S. If S greater than 300, grade is A; if S between 250 and 300 grade is B+; if S between 180 and 250 grade is B.
  • PA1 Will be uploaded on Wed 10/25.
  • SSH Check the Software link on how to install a secure shell client (putty.exe) and a secure shell copy client (pscp in place of ftp). (Updated tue 10/24, 11:35)
  • PS 2 Extension New Due Date: ******Wed October 18****** Student who can't do the FFT problem by the deadline can submit the PS by Mon Oct 24. The links to Handouts 7 and 8 seem to be ok (there were some complaints that these two handouts were inaccessible). (Updated: mon 10/16, 11:56am).
  • Reading Material for Quiz 1 Subjects 1 and 2 only (introductory material and PRAM algorithms).
  • Reading Material Subject 3 has become available on-line.
  • PS 1 Solutions(Handout 9) have become available (hardcopy only) and will be handed out in class.
  • PS 1 Extension (due to textbook availability problems). New Due Date: Monday October 2 (Updated: mon 09/25).
  • Subject 2 is out. Read note carefully. A newer version was uploaded on Sat Sep 17. Note that the .pdf version was the older one; error was corrected on Sep 18.
  • Spring 1999 Information about the course offered in Spring 1999 is available through this link.

  • Course Syllabus

  • Handout 0: Course Announcement/Brief Information in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 5/24/2000)
  • Handout 1: Course Information in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/05/2000)
  • Handout 2: Course Policies and Assignment Deliverables in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/05/2000)
  • Handout 3: Course Calendar in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/05/2000 and Corrected 09/11/2000)
  • Handout 4: Topics to be covered in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/11/2000)

  • Handouts

  • Handouts 1,2,3 and 4 can be retrieved from the Course Syllabus section of this Web page.
  • Handouts 5 and 6 are PS1 and PS2.
  • Handout 7: Reading List for following classes in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/28/2000)
  • Handout 8: On doubly logarithmic-depth trees in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/28/2000)
  • Handout 9: is Solution to PS1 available in hardcopy only.
  • Handouts 10,11 and 12 are related to Subjects 5,6 and 8 and available later in this page.

  • DISCLAIMER: The included material DOES NOT substitute the lecture notes for this class. It should be used in conjunction with the textbook and/or the material presented in class. If a statement in these "on-line notes" seems to be incorrect, report it to the instructor so that it be fixed immediately. These "notes" are distributed to the students of CIS668 offered in the Fall Term 2000 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology; it is copyrighted material and distribution outside this group of students is prohibited.
  • Subject 1: Parallel Computing and Parallel Algorithms in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/11/2000)
  • Subject 2: The Parallel Random Access Machine in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/14/2000 18:05, Modified 09/16,.pdf corrected Sep 19)
  • Subject 3: Fixed Connection Networks - Hypercubes and Hypercubic Networks (Algorithms and Embeddings) in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/09/2000 11:05)
  • Subject 4: Routing on Fixed Connection Networks in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/16/2000 12:10)
  • Subject 5: Architecture Independent Parallel Algorithm Design: The Bulk-Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. Suggested Reading, Handout 10 available in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/16/2000 12:10)
  • Subject 6: Architecture Independent Parallel Algorithm Design: The LogP model in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. Suggested Reading, Handout 11 available in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/16/2000 12:10)
  • Subject 7: Software Support for the BSP model: Oxford BSPlib Toolset in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/16/2000 12:10)
  • Subject 8: BSP Algorithm Design in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. Suggested Reading, Handout 12 available in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/16/2000 12:10)

  • Quizzes

  • Quiz1 in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF.

  • Homeworks

  • PS 1 (Due Sep 27,2000, extension granted) in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/13/2000)
  • PS 2 (Due Oct 11,2000) in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 09/27/2000)
  • PS 3 (Due Dec 13,2000) in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 11/29/2000)
  • PA 1 (Due Nov 20,2000) in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 10/25/2000)
  • PA 2 (Due Dec 13,2000) in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (Uploaded 11/15/2000)

  • Software Information

  • Click src/software.html for more info.