CIS 786 (Solutions, Lecture Notes, and other Handouts)

The copyrighted material downloadable from this page is to be used only by the students enrolled in CIS 786-107 under Prof. Gerbessiotis. Distribution of this material outside this group is NOT allowed for any reason.

A. Midterm Performance

B. Solutions to Homeworks

C. Lecture Summaries

DISCLAIMER: The included material DOES NOT substitute the textbook for this class. It should be used in conjunction with the textbook and the material presented in class. If a statement in these "notes" seems to be incorrect, report it to the instructor so that it be fixed immediately. These "notes" are distributed to the students of CIS786 offered in at the New Jersey Institute of Technology; distribution outside this group of students is prohibited. The material below will be uploaded in due time; an upload message will appear as soon as the corresponding document is uploaded.

  1. Subject 1 (Introduction: Parallel Computation) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 09/03/04).
  2. Subject 2 (PRAM Algorithms : Part 1) in revised form (Oct 1, 2004) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/01/04). The original version is still available in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 09/09/04).
  3. Subject 3 (PRAM Algorithms : Part 2) in revised form (Oct 1, 2004) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/01/04). The original version is still available in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 19/09/04). Typos in Subject 3 (original version)
  4. Subject 4 (Hypercubic networks and routing) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/04/04).
  5. Subject 5 (Introduction to the BSP and LogP models) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/04/04). Required reading the two papers cited on the front page available in Section D (items 9 and 10).
  6. Subject 6 (Introduction to BSPlib) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/04/04). Required reading the Documentation available in Postscript in Section D (item 11) or section F.
  7. Subject 7 (Introduction to algorithm design with BSP) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/24/04).
  8. Subject 8 (Introduction to MPI and MPI-2 with LAM-MPI) (corrected version) Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 11/05/04). The original with typos Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF (Uploaded on 10/24/04). The textbook or the additional reference should be used in conjunction with Subject 8.
  9. Subject 9 (Sorting Networks) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF.
  10. Subject 10 (FFT) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF.
  11. Subject 11 (How to build a linux cluster) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. Some text-based notes on how to build a Windows 2000 cluster are also attached. The notes work in conjunction with Critical Software's WMPI (a vesion of MPI). Programming under MPI assumes the use of Visual C++ (version 6.0). How to setup a Windows cluster.

D. Course relevant Reading Material

  1. Subject 1 other readings: The Gustafson paper in pdf. (Uploaded on 09/03/04).
  2. Subject 1 other readings: Computational requirements for weather related tasks.
  3. Subject 2 other readings: The PRAM paper by Fortune and Wyllie p114-fortune.pdf.
  4. Subject 2 other readings: Notes on asymptotic notation, recurrences and recurrence relation solution in Postscript and PDF.
  5. Subject 2 other readings: The Parallel Prefix Computations paper by Ladner and Fischer.
  6. Subject 1 and 2 other readings: Brent's paper pdf. (Uploaded on 09/03/04).
  7. Subject 2 and Homework 1 readings: Kung's paper pdf. (Uploaded on 09/24/04).
  8. Web-page for the textbook Click here. .
  9. Subject 5: L.G.Valiant's BSP paper (C.ACM August 1990) in pdf. Also a BSP patent. (Uploaded on 09/03/04).
  10. Subject 5: The LogP model by Culler, Karp, Patterson et al in pdf. (Uploaded on 09/30/04).
  11. Subject 6: The BSPlib documentation by J.D.Hill et al in Postcript. (Uploaded on 10/04/04). Reuploaded on 10/05/04 because of a typo in the labeling of the subject (it was identified as 7 rather than 6).
  12. Subject 7: Matrix Multiplication bound Kung et al paper. Postcript. (Uploaded on 10/24/04).
  13. Subject 8: MPI related papers with sample code etc, mpi/MPI1av.pdf, mpi/MPI2.pdf, mpi/MPI2a.pdf (limitations of Put/Get ops), mpi/MPI_Day1.pdf. Also, mpi/RMACompaq.pdf, mpi/RMAHP.pdf, mpi/RMAMPIBSP.pdf, mpi/mpi2.txt, (Uploaded on 11/08/04).
  14. Subject 9: Sorting Networks K. Batcher's paper, Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1968, Postcript. (Uploaded on 10/04/04).
  15. Generic List of Interesting Papers Postcript. (Uploaded on 10/07/04).

E. Other Course related Reading Material

  1. Uzi Vishkin's (Maryland) class notes: click the first link here. If link does not work you can use this one. (Uploaded on 09/03/04).
  2. PRAM Algorithms notes by S. Chatterjee and J. Prins: pram.pdf. (Uploaded on 09/09/04).
  3. Sven Skyum's Introduction to Parallel Algorithms notes: click the links in the bottom. If link does not work you can use this one. (Uploaded on 09/03/04).
  4. MPI Tutorial at LLNL .
  5. MPI-Forum .
  6. MPI-2 C++ Bindings Click here. .
  7. MPI-2 Manual/Documentation Click here. .
  8. Web-page for book "Using MPI-2: etc" Click here. .
  9. C Programming Tutorial at Cambridge University (UK) .

F. Software

  1. LAM-MPI (available in Red Hat linux distributions) .
  2. MPICH2 (another MPI implementation) Click here. .
  3. BSP Wordlwide Click here .
  4. BSPlib The most recent version is Version 1.4 of BSPlib, also available here in .tar.gz format. The documentation of BSPlib in Postcript. Brief instructions to install uniinstall.txt. on a single processor machine (eg. PC with linux, Sun workstation with Solaris)