1.      MET 301: Analysis & Design of Machine Elements-I


2.      Credits and contact hours: 3 and 4 hours/week


3.      Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name: Dr. A. K. Sengupta


4.      Text book, title, author, and year: Design of Machine Elements, 8th edition, Spotts, Shoup & Hornberger, Prentice-Hall, 2004.

a.       Other supplemental materials: Analysis & Design Of Machine Elements – I, Summary Of Topics & Formulae, Sengupta A. K.. Laboratory handouts, MD solids software


5.      Specific course information

a.       Brief description of the content of the course (catalog description): The principles of strength of materials are applied to mechanical design. Topics include theory of failure, stress concentration factors and fatigue, the design and analysis of shafts subjected to static and dynamic loadings, and critical speed of a rotating shaft. The laboratory experience is integrated within the course.

b.      Prerequisites: MATH 238, MET 236, MET 237, CS106.

c.       Required, elective, or selected elective course in the program: Required


6.      Specific goals for the course

a.      Course Outcome (CO):

By the end of the course students should be able to:

1.      Determine internal stress and strain developed given external loads on machine members.

2.      Determine the principle normal and maximum shear stresses and strains from the interaction of bi-axial and tri-axial normal and shear stresses.

3.      Determine the geometric and fatigue stress concentration factors and select and apply theories of failure to determine the factor of safety of a machine parts under combined steady and cyclic load.

4.      Apply theories related to design for finite life.

5.      Design rotating shafts, keys and couplings.

6.      Theoretically and experimentally determine stress and strain of a shaft loaded in torsion and bending.

7.      Write an effective laboratory report according to acceptable criteria.


b.      Student outcomes:

The Course Outcomes support the achievement of the following MET Student Outcomes and TAC of ABET Program Outcome requirements:


Student Outcome a - an ability to select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to broadly-defined engineering technology activities;

Related CO – 1 to 5


Student Outcome b - an ability to select and apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies;

Related CO – 1 to 5


Student Outcome c - an ability to conduct standard tests and measurements; to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments; and to apply experimental results to improve processes;

Related CO – 6 & 7


Student Outcome e - an ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team;
Related CO – 7

Student Outcome f - an ability to identify, analyze, and solve broadly-defined engineering technology problems;

Related CO – 1 to 5


Student outcome g - an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and nontechnical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;

Related CO – 7


7.      Brief list of topics to be covered


Static equilibrium, Hook’s Law, Normal stress-strain-deformation, Statically Indeterminate Problems in Axial Loading. Transverse loading, Shear force and Bending moment diagram, Bending stress, Moment of inertia, Transfer of axis, Transverse shear stress, Super-imposition of bending and axial stresses. Design of columns, Torsion of circular sections. Mohr Circle, 3D stress, Strain due to 3D stress, Failure theories, Stress concentration factors, Cyclic loading, Design for fatigue stress, Design for finite life, Combined static and cyclic load for finite life, Miner’s equation.  Design of shaft for fluctuating load, Shaft with bending loads in two planes, Design of keys and coupling. Deflection and slope of beam, Critical speed of a rotating shaft, Shaft on three supports, Deflection & slope of non-uniform shaft – energy method, Shaft with non-circular section, Shafting materials.



Monday: M: M: 545PM - 740PM, 750PM - 945PM, room #ME 214


Instructor: Dr. Arijit Sengupta, Office: GITC 2102, telephone:  (973) 642 7073; email: sengupta@njit.edu, website: http://web.njit.edu/~sengupta

Office Hours:  Monday 2 pm to 4 pm, Wednesday 11 am to 1 pm.  You may make an appointment by clicking here. For other times, email me or take a chance by dropping by my office.

Textbook: Spotts, Shoup & Hornberger: Design of Machine Elements, Prentice-Hall, 8th edition. ISBN 0-13-048989-1            (Collection of Typos in textbook)

Reference materials          Summary of topics and formulae – you can print it out for your easy reference

http://www.mdsolids.com/ - An award winning software


Course Outline



Textbook chapter

Homework problems


Jan 22

Static equilibrium, engineering material, tension and compression in axial loading, statically indeterminate problems. Examples

1: 1-6




Jan. 29

Youtube video

Center of gravity, bending of beams, moment of inertia, transfer of axis, principle of superimposition of bending and axial stress

1: 7-11




Feb. 5

Lab #1 Wheatstone bridge  Cover page

Deflection of beam, shearing stress, and transverse shearing stress in beams

1:13, 15, 16

Prelab Quiz




Feb. 12

Shear and bending moment diagrams

Youtube video

Test 1



Feb. 19

More on shear and bending moment diagrams

Design of columns  Efunda column





Feb. 26

Stress in any direction, Mohr circle, 3D stress

Stresses and deformation in two directions

Mohr circle example- Youtube video


HW5: Chapter 1: 87, 88, 98 & 102



Mar. 5

Stress-strain diagram

Failure theories and stress concentration

2: 1-4



Mar. 19

Design for cyclic loading, Soderberg, Goodman and modified Goodman’s equation

Design for finite life – Basquin’s equation, Combined loading and Miner’s equation.


HW6: Chapter 2: 13, 24, 28, 45



Mar. 26

Test 2

Strain in two directions

(November 6 Last Day to Withdraw)



Apr. 2

Torsion of circular shaft, maximum static shearing stresses, and design of shaft for fluctuating loads.

Lab#2 Strain measurement

3: 1-4

HW7 Solution

Prelab quiz


Apr. 09

Design of keys and coupling

Bending in two planes, shaft on three supports

3: 5-9

HW8: Chapter 3: 13, 26, 27 & 28. Solution


Apr. 16

Critical speed of a rotating shaft

Test 3




Apr. 23

Deflection & slope of non-uniform shaft

Energy method

3: 12,13



Apr. 30

Torsion of non-circular shaft, shafting materials. Review

3: 14-19








Three tests–42%, Final Exam –30%, Laboratory –14%, Homework – 14%

One lowest test score will be dropped in determining the overall test score.

Overall percent: A: 90 or above; B+: 85-89; B: 80-84; C+:75-79; C: 68-74; D: 60-67; F: 59 or less.


Homework and quiz

  1. Homework sets are due one week after they are assigned. 
  2. Homework must be submitted in sets, arranged in order as in course outline.
  3. Homework must be written on quadrille 8½ x 11 engineering pad, one side only. Sets must be stapled together in the upper left hand corner.
  4. Homework problems should done using the “Given and Find” format and all equations should be defined symbolically prior to calculating any values.  DO NOT HAND IN class notes or scratch work.
  5. I will collect homework at the beginning of the class. Since I post the solutions of the homework on the course web page, late homework is not acceptable.
  6. Homework and quiz will be graded. I will drop two lowest homework/quiz grades in determining the overall homework grade.



Class attendance is mandatory. Please be on time for classes, late entry distracts the whole class. Good attendance may help in improving your grade.  If you miss any laboratory, test or final exam without prior permission, you will receive zero credit for that item. In extraordinary circumstances, when such prior permission is impossible to obtain, I expect you to contact me at your earliest for rescheduling your laboratory, test or final exam. I scrutinize your excuse before rescheduling.



·        Your safety and safety of those around you are of prime importance.  Efforts have been made to reduce the hazard in the lab as much as possible.  Follow all posted safety policies. 

·        All lab reports should written using MSWord.  Reports are graded on your presentation. Is the material presented in a logical way? Can all the required results be found with ease? Are the results discussed intelligently in a good technical language? Your depth of understanding, discussion and conclusion will carry more weight than production of right numerical answer. 

·        Due dates for laboratory reports will be announced in the class.  Laboratory reports handed in after the due date will incur ten percent deduction in marks for lateness. Laboratory reports late more than two weeks will not be accepted. 


University Policy on Academic Integrity will be upheld, and any violation will be brought to the attention of the Dean of student