CS 732: Advanced machine learning
Spring 2019

Instructor: Usman Roshan
Office: GITC 4214B
Ph: 973-596-2872
Office hours: MW: 2 to 5
Email: usman@njit.edu

Textbook: Not required but following are recommended: Grading: 50% two paper presentations, 50% final project and presentation
Course Overview: We will focus on medical AI problems in this course. We will cover convolutional neural networks for MRI images, machine learning for ultrasound images, and adversarial attacks.

Course plan:

Basic machine learning and Python scikit-learn
Background Unix and login to NJIT machines Basic machine learning background with Python scikit-learn
Basic geometry of a linear classifier
Empirical risk minimization
Regularized risk minimization
Support vector machine

Datasets Additional papers
Representation learning
Geometrical and Statistical properties of systems of linear inequalities with applications in pattern recognition (Cover 1965)
Approximations by superpositions of sigmoidal functions (Cybenko 1989)
Approximation Capabilities of Multilayer Feedforward Networks (Hornik 1991)
ImageNet classification with deep neural networks (Krizhevsky et. al. 2012)
Random projections preserve margin
Random projections preserve margin II

Neural networks, image classification with machine learning, and convolutions
Multi-layer perceptrons
Scikit-learn MLP code

Image classification code
Python Image Library
Convolutional neural networks, training them with Keras
Convolutional neural networks for image recognition
Flower image classification with CNNs
Convolutions and paper presentations
Breast cancer prediction with SVMs (Yajuan Li)
Ultrasound image classification (Cheng Zhong)
Convolutional kernels
Paper presentations
Dual-force convolutional neural networks for accurate brain tumor segmentation (Hadi)
DeepPolyA: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Polyadenylation Site Prediction (John Chen)
Paper presentations
DeepPolyA: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Polyadenylation Site Prediction (John Chen)
An overview of deep learning in medical imaging focusing on MRI (Yanan Yang)
Visualizing Deep Neural Network Decisions:Prediction Difference Analysis (Michael Lan)
Paper presentations
03/18/2019 (rescheduled from 03/11/19)
Motion Corrected Multishot MRI Reconstruction Using Generative Networks with Sensitivity Encoding (Craig Kenney)
Convolutional neural network based Alzheimer’s disease classification from magnetic resonance brain images (Ruoyu)
Heartbeat anomaly detection using adversarial oversampling (Syed)
Prediction of lung cancer patient survival via supervised machine learning classification techniques (Firas)
Paper presentations
Joint CS-MRI Reconstruction and Segmentation with a Unified Deep Network (Xiangyu)
Predicting Alzheimer's disease: a neuroimaging study with 3D convolutional neural networks (Kannan)
Digital mammographic tumor classification using transfer learning from deep convolutional neural networks3D (Jeremy)
Paper presentations
Decision tree and random forest models for outcome prediction in antibody incompatible kidney transplantation (Xiaopeng)
A CNN for the Automatic Diagnosis of Collagen VI related Muscular Dystrophies (Jiali)
LightGBM: A Highly Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (Xiaowei)

Image classification v2
STL 10
Mini ImageNet
Paper presentations
Random Forest ensembles for detection and prediction of Alzheimer's disease with a good between-cohort robustness (Hadi)
Automatic segmentation method of pelvic floor levator hiatus in ultrasound using a self-normalising neural network (Cheng)
Risk prediction for breast Cancer in Han Chinese women based on a cause-specific Hazrad model (Jiankai)
Joint Learning of Words and Meaning Representation for Open-Text Semantic Parsing (Chih-yuan)
Paper presentations
Asymmetric Loss Functions and Deep Densely- Connected Networks for Highly-Imbalanced Medical Image Segmentation: Application to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection (Dan)
Deep learning models for bateria taxonomic classification of metagenomic data (John)
Generalizing multistain immunohistochemistry tissue segmentation using one-shot color deconvolution deep neural networks (Michael)
CheXNet: Radiologist-Level Pneumonia Detection on Chest X-Rays with Deep Learning (Yanan)
NiftyNet: A Deep learning platform for medical Imaging (Syed)
Paper presentations, transposed convolutions
Learning Deep CNN Denoiser Prior for Image Restoration (Yajuan)
Efficient Parameter-free Clustering Using First Neighbor Relations (Craig)
Automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and intramedullary multiple sclerosis lesions with convolutional neural networks (Ruoyo)
Melanoma detection by analysis of clinical images using convolutional neural network (Firas)
Firas projects results (Firas)
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Histology Image Analysis (Honghao)

A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning
Paper presentations, transposed convolutions
Project results: Cheng, Firas, Yanan
Paper presentation: Xiaowei, Jiankai, Jiali, Xiangyu, Chiy-yuan, Dan, Jeremy
A Fully-Automatic Framework for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis by Multi-Modality Images (Xiangyu)
AnomiGAN: Generative adversarial networks for anonymizing private medical data (Jiali)
Distributed Representation of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality (Chih-yuan)
Optimus: An Efficient Dynamic Resource Scheduler for Deep Learning Clusters (Xiaowei)

Yanan's project
Cheng's project
Syed's project
Paper and project presentations
Automated Classification of Lung Cancer Types from Cytological Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (Jeremy)
Colorectal\ cancer\ diagnosis\ from\ histology\ images\ A\ comparative\ study (Honghao)
3D Deep Learning for Efficient and Robust Landmark Detection in Volumetric Data (Kannan)
Classification of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Images of Cervical Cancers Using Texture Analysis and Support Vector Machines (Dan)
Deep learning based classification of focal liver lesions with contrast-enhanced (Xiaopeng)
Forecasting Lung Cancer Diagnoses with Deep Learning (Jiankai)

Projects and papers
Medical AI
Brain MRI machine learning papers:
  • Machine learning for brain MRIs
  • Convolutional neural networks for brain MRIs
  • UNets for masking images
  • Public ATLAS dataset (see ATLAS)
  • Other MRI machine learning studies
Cancer prediction papers:
  • Cancer case and control prediction
  • Cancer survival time prediction
  • Cancer prediction from image data (see TCGA portal)
Ultrasound image machine learning papers:
  • Ultrasound image classification
Disease risk prediction:
  • Heart disease, type I and II diabetes, and other general disease risk prediction