CS 341: Foundations of Computer Science II


Even Older Exams and Quizzes


Here are some even older exams and quizzes, all from Fall 2004 and older.  Up to Fall 2004, the textbook and the material covered was different from what is currently used, so these older quizzes, exams and finals will be somewhat different (different notation, different topics covered) than those after Fall 2004. 


Solutions are not provided for most of the old quizzes, exams and finals to ensure that you try to work them out without looking at the answers, which is the best way to learn.  If you have any questions about your solutions, please contact the instructor or the TA. 



Old Midterm Exams


·        Midterm, 1995 (This was a 3-hour exam given somewhere around the 8th week of the semester.)

·        Midterm I, Fall 1996

·        Midterm II, Fall 1996

·        Midterm I, Fall 1997

·        Midterm II, Fall 1997

·        Midterm I, Spring 1998

·        Midterm II, Spring 1998

·        Midterm I, Fall 1999

·        Midterm II, Fall 1999

·        Midterm I, Spring 2000

·        Midterm II, Spring 2000

·        Midterm I, Fall 2000

·        Midterm II, Fall 2000

·        Midterm, Spring 2001 (Distance Learning section)

·        Midterm I, Spring 2002

·        Midterm II, Spring 2002

·        Midterm, Spring 2002 (This was a 3-hour exam given somewhere around the 8th week of the semester.)

·        Midterm I, Fall 2003, day section

·        Midterm I, Fall 2003, evening section

·        Midterm II, Fall 2003, day section

·        Midterm II, Fall 2003, evening section

·        Midterm I, Spring 2004, day section

·        Midterm I, Spring 2004, evening section

·        Midterm II, Spring 2004, day section

·        Midterm II, Spring 2004, evening section

·        Midterm I, Fall 2004, day section

·        Midterm II, Fall 2004, day section

·        Midterm, Fall 2004, Distance Learning section



Old Final Exams


·       Final, Spring 2001 (Distance Learning section)

·       Final, Spring 2002, day section



Old Quizzes


·        Quiz 1, Fall 2003, day section

·        Quiz 1, Fall 2003, evening section

·        Quiz 2, Fall 2003, day section

·        Quiz 2, Fall 2003, evening section

·        Quiz 3, Fall 2003, day section

·        Quiz 3, Fall 2003, evening section

·        Quiz 1, Spring 2004, day section

·        Quiz 1, Spring 2004, evening section

·        Quiz 2, Spring 2004, day section

·        Quiz 2, Spring 2004, evening section

·        Quiz 3, Spring 2004, day section

·        Quiz 3, Spring 2004, evening section

·        Quiz 1, Fall 2004, day section

·        Quiz 2, Fall 2004, day section

·        Quiz 3, Fall 2004, day section


Last Modified: 8/25/2015 2:02:56 PM